[PLUGIN] Script Stash - Save, edit, share, and run your command scripts

Script Stash - Save, edit, share, and run your command scripts

Have you ever written the perfect script in the Command Bar only to lose it later? Script Stash is here to fix that!
UI Preview

Get the Plugin for free here!: https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/112646948215062/Script-Stash

Script Stash is the ultimate Plugin for saving, editing, and sharing the scripts you would normally write up in the Studio Command Bar.

With this plugin, you now have long-term saved scripts known as Stashes that you can edit and run with ease at any time. You can categorize a Stash as being a game-based Stash or a personal Stash.

A game-categorized Stash will display the Stashes only for the specific game you are in inside the Game tab. These Stashes are also runnable and editable by other developers on your team with Team Create. For example, for a car game, you may write up a game-categorized Stash to rig a chassis to any car body model. Now you and your team members can set up cars quick and easy!

A personal-categorized Stash will be available in the Personal tab for any experience you edit in Studio. These Stashes are only viewable by you and you may decide to put commonly used Stashes here so you can apply them across different projects/experiences.


Many times, I’ve quickly written up and executed a line of code in the Roblox Studio Command Bar. Naively thinking I’d never need the snippet again, I didn’t bother saving it anywhere.

Eventually I end up in the same situation I was in that led me to originally writing up that snippet of code to execute (e.g. setting up a car chassis for multiple cars). However, I’ve lost the code that I wrote! I’ve executed too many other unrelated commands in between now and when I first created that snippet so I have to write it all over again and waste time and energy because Studio’s command bar history doesn’t extend that far.

Even if I still have the snippet in my history or if Studio kept a longer command history, I often have to scroll past unrelated snippets that I had executed. These snippets do not have any useful metadata - you have to read the code of each snippet as you come across it to see what it does, this is time consuming and the Command Bar only shows one line, making the process even more difficult and unpleasant.

Script Stash saves me (and possibly you - scroll up for the Plugin link!) this hassle by providing a very quick and accessible way to save scripts (Stashes) for later use by you AND your team members in Team Create (game Stashes) or just by yourself on a global basis for any project you work on (personal Stashes).

A Gifted Stash

Here’s a gift from me to you that you can keep in your personal Stashes if you would like. It gives all the Parts you have selected that classic Roblox look:

return {
	Name = 'Studify Parts',
	Description = 'Gives the selection of Parts a classic stud theme.',
	Run = function()
		for _, v in game:GetService('Selection'):Get() do
			if not v:IsA('BasePart') then continue; end;
			v.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Inlet;
			v.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Studs;
			v.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic;

You made it to the end of the post! Discover what Script Stash can do for you (and your team), the Plugin link is up at the top of the post.

Demonstration Video

This video specifically showcases the mini UI library feature that is available in Script Stash, but also shows how the Plugin is used.


wow this is my favorite plugin thx nice release

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This is pretty good and very useful
@Zyutt said baller plugin

This should eliminate the smaller select and click plugins, great work!

I’ve noticed an issue if drafts are on the script cannot be committed and applied. Any way to perhaps fix this?

Thanks for the report! I typically work with drafts disabled in Team Create, so I don’t know exactly how they work except for that it’s some version control system. I searched up some information if there’s ways to deal with Drafts in Plugins and it appears there’s not: Make DraftsService PluginSecurity - #4 by sanjay2003

I believe you will just need to commit changes on the module before editing it with Script Stash. I’m assuming you’re talking about the game Stashes.

Personal stashes but I assume it operates semi the same. Unfortunate though, thanks for response.

Ah I see, the personal stashes work a bit more complicated since they use real modules similar to the game stashes so you can edit them, but the problem with that is that other team create members can find the personal Stashes/modules if they are always loaded in. To combat that, I only create the module when you edit the Stash and then delete the module right after you close the script editor for it. I’m guessing that causes issues with the Draft system so the easiest option is to just create your personal stash in a different Studio experience/place.

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Small update to fix a small issue:

Added some padding to the bottom of the ScrollingFrame of Stashes in order to keep it looking nice for when you have many Stashes or you resize the Script Stash window to be small.





Script Stash now passes a ‘ctx’ (context) argument to the Run function of your Stashes. As of now, the ctx argument is a table with the following elements:

ctx.Selection -- The current selection in Studio, convenience for game.Selection:Get()
ctx.UI -- Mini UI library to add options to your Stash.

Here’s what’s available in ctx.UI:

ctx.UI.Switch(name: string, defaultValue: boolean)
ctx.UI.Slider(name: string, defaultValue: number, min: number, max: number, step: number?)
ctx.UI.Input(name: string, defaultValue: string)

Here’s a fully featured example of what you can do with the UI library in a Stash:

return {
	Name = 'Outputter',
	Description = 'Write to the output.',
	Run = function(ctx)
		local doWarn = ctx.UI.Switch('Warn', false);
		local reps = ctx.UI.Slider('Repetitions', 1, 1, 10);
		local content = ctx.UI.Input('Content', 'Hello, world!');

		for i = 1, reps() do
			if doWarn() then


		local fun = ctx.UI.Switch('Was that cool?', true);
		warn(if fun() then 'Yay!' else 'No!!!');

See it in action! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BePru-2tvNg

this is the best plugin !!! so useful !!!

Update #2 of the day, personal Stashes have now been made more robust by keeping the Stash modules inside CoreGui, which, from testing, should not replicate to other team create members.

The previous behavior was that it would create the personal Stash module right when you clicked edit, which sometimes resulted in odd behavior.

Today's Update:

The ScriptStash folder in ServerStorage for game Stashes now only gets created when you actually decide to make a Stash in the game you’re in.