[PLUGIN] View Selection Data like Blender!

Hello everyone! A while back I was using blender and I noticed this on the bottom right when selecting objects.


I thought it’d be a good idea to implement into roblox but instead of showing verts it’d show you how many parts your models contain. This can even be used when selecting the workspace to see how many parts your map contains! (I was able to find out my map contains over 400,000 parts with this plugin, try to beat that!)


The ability to view the script count under models you select can also prove useful in virus detection in free models. This plugin can speed up the process of cautiously scanning through all descendants of a free model to make sure there’s no extra hidden scripts letting you feel rest assured!

As an added bonus I added the option to make it so parts spawn in anchored by default! This is off by default however so make sure to turn it on if you want this bonus feature!
(R.I.P to the countless models that fell victim to being accidentally unanchored during a play test. :pray:)

Well what are you waiting for? You can download the plugin here:

This plugin is a feature taken from a multi-tool plugin that includes over 10+ plugins all in one. I decided to make it its own plugin as a cheaper alternative for those who only want this feature specifically. If you are interested in the plugin it came from (which offers a much better deal) you can view it here: Yoolurs Builder v2 (10+ Plugins in one!)



Even though I agree with you here, this is pretty undiplomatic and tasteless. You could just ask about changing the price.


It is undiplomatic, and it is tasteless. The irony is that the reason I posted it, is actually your post about why plugins are too cheap. I don’t think a plugin should be sold if it’s so simple that it can be re-created in an hour or 2. I’d prefer being undiplomatic and tasteless, if it means making sure premium plugins are premium, and at the same time creating more open source resources for people to learn/use.

You’re not paying for how long the job takes, your paying for the experience that is required to do the job.


100 robux for a plugin that i made in 2 minutes is a scam


100 robux is actually the minimum I could possibly make it. I wanted to make it cheaper.

@ExercitusMortem 100 Robux is literally the devex equivalent of 35 cents, if you dont think thats worth it then you don’t have to buy it. Some people would rather just pay a small fee to get it instantly vs creating it on their own.

And like blueberry said:

Then don’t buy it. From my experience selling plugins most of the funds used to buy them are earned from games, which is to be expected when making tools for developers. This means the majority aren’t spending USD on robux for plugins so its literally just 35 cents if they were to cash it out on devex.

(For context I am assuming when plugin funds dont pend they are funds that have already pended elsewhere, could be wrong on that one but my plugin sales rarely pend.)


I’m kind of wary of the whole 100 Robux vicinity. As you mention, it’s basically giving away your work for free. It’s laughable that some people think it’s big money; they’re the ones buying it from the Buy Robux page most likely. You shouldn’t have to cover for that kind of bad value judgement.

However, it’s still more than zero, which often puts you in an uncomfortable position where you’re excluding people who don’t want to/can’t afford to support you, while simultaneously not really doing much with the people who would have been willing to pay. I honestly think there should be a large gulf between ‘free’ and ‘minimum price paid’, because it forces you to be clear about which audience you’re serving (you can’t have both).

This plugin is not much more than a text label showing some tallies from your current selection. This is obviously useful in some situations, and I think it is good that this exists. However, I have to agree with the rather crude post that started this whole conversation chain; it’d be better if it fell on the side of free, because it can’t really justify being properly paid. It’d have to be much more of a complete tool suite to meet that bar.

I hope this is not discouraging. Don’t let armchair experts get you down, but do think about it.


I disagree, the customers get the choice. If I try selling a beat up car for $500,000 the reality is nobody is gonna buy it because its a bad deal. But if people were willing to pay $500,000 for it, you’d very likely sell it for $500,000.

Realistically if I were to commission someone to make this exact plugin they may charge me more than 100 robux. If you want it for free, you can always make it yourself.

A good example would be if someone found a random tree, picked an apple off of it, then tried to sell it to you for $5. You complain that it should be free because he grabbed it from a random tree and it took barely any effort but he refuses. If you don’t like the price or cant afford it you can always go to the same tree and just pick your own apple and go on your way.

Unlike the apple scenario however coding requires a skillset, the same reason the apple may be well worth $5 to someone without arms that cant pick an apple out of a tree.

And like I mentioned I don’t have the option to make it any cheaper, this is the minimum I can possibly set it. It’s either 100 robux or free.

It’s not, you are free to have your opinions on the price and I respect that.
The reality is I make more off pricing it at the minimum vs free so I am going to keep it that way. Those who want it free can of course easily make it themselves. I’m not going to set it free and earn no robux just because some people told me to.

Plugins are really only selling the convenience of you not having to make it yourself. You could remake any plugin for free its up to you to decide whether its worth paying a fee in exchange for not having to make it yourself and not having to learn the skills required to do so. I actually saw a plugin selling for over 200 robux that just simply let you CTRL + Z selection changes. I’m pretty sure that actually takes less lines of code to create than this plugin. When I first saw it the first thing I thought was “Wow I should make that myself.” instead of demanding its too easy to make and that they make it free.

To be clear I demand nothing. I’m a moderately successful developer so I can (and do) pay creators for these sorts of tools. I am only sharing my own takes from my own experiences as a plugin developer.

I will stop derailing this topic.


I am a plugin developer too and I recently made this plugin

Unlike you who is already very rich, I am a poor developer who has nothing. How were you able to get your plugin to be so successful instantly? I worked a lot of hours making my plugin and working as hard as I could to make everything bug-free and nice looking, and I am barely gaining any traction


I am not that rich, you’d be surprised - popularity does not translate into income.

I have little advice really. These things are some blend of luck, quality and connections. There is no formula to optimise that.

Juet start making stuff and see what resonates, I suppose.

  1. It depends on demand, e.g I could make the most advanced plugin but if its for something super niche then less people will have use for it. (idk what your plugin is though.)

  2. I only got one sale on this plugin so far lol, there’s just a conversation in the replies which is bumping it.

  3. if you weren’t aware. Topics get moved to the top of the list when they get a new reply. It has nothing to do with rankings or how well the plugin does. Like I said I only got one sale so far.

Also in response to @Elttob

Yea sorry if you mistook what I was saying or if I explained that badly, I understand you are more so making a recommendation rather than demanding. The initial reply from the other dude seemed more demanding and hostile, he is free to make his own free version though of course. All power to him.

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Not sure what’s up with the replies considering 100 robux is 35 cents. y’all are some cheapskates.


No worries. I’m just here to lend some help, after all :slight_smile:

I hope you find success whichever way you decide to price it! To echo the above, it really isn’t that expensive, so be under no illusion about that.