Plum's minimap - Rotating map, bordersnapping blips and more!

By choosing a lower pixel / stud value would it not render all of the map, only some?

The resolution of the map be lowered, thus making areas less detailed.

How do I lower the pixel / stud value? As when I calculate 8612 and 5206 the number result is incorrect.

I would think you just do it in the plugin. I wrote minimum but the value I gave was actually the maximum value you are able to get. You have to remember that you cannot upload images that are larger than 1024 pixels x 1024 pixels.

Is there a possibility of you releasing this through the Wally package manager?

This version of the minimap will probably not be released on Wally. If a new version is ever made, then I’ll do it.

Is there ever a method or scope of making so that we can split the images and stitch them together?

We currently have a pretty large map - squeezing all data into
a 1024x1024 resolution isn’t quite ideal, and suppose a potential solution was to split the image into different slices (centrally first.) was thought of.

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Currently not possible. Something I’m looking into with a new version :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the tutorial! I wonder how I can find the information about the Pixel Size X, Pizel Size Z/Y and Pixels/Stud and Center Position in RoRenderV3. I don’t see any option to use Helper Functions, it is all I have available when I render the map:

wow it’s so useful for me!
thanks you!

I’m not quite sure how RoRender V3 works. I have only ever used version 2. Try going and asking in their dev forum post for an answer on this :slight_smile:

So, I’ve been trying to make the Minimap work, I correctly set the Center and Size for the Render to fit in, and it all perfectly works fine on my Secondary Place for my game, which has a not very large map.

Smaller Place Minimap

In my main place, which has a larger map than the one that i shown on the screenshot above, the map is stretched and doesn’t work at all. I’ve tried to reupload many times but it would still show stretched.
Bigger Place minimap

I had the same problem with the smaller place on studio, but after making a big block as big as the RoRender colored box it fitted perfectly.
I can’t do the same with this place tho, as the map is too big to fit a big part on it.

Any solutions?
Thanks in advance.

It looks like the map size is somehow set incorrectly. Are you sure your rendered map is rendered at the size you set it to?

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Yeah! Indeed I accidently swapped Center with mapsize, now it all works perfectly fine.


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Is there any way to make the minimap show above existing UI in a different ScreenGui? My game has some UI elements like health and armor in a circle shape which require the minimap to be in the center of those, however hanging ZIndex related values seems to have no effect and keeps those UI elements overlapping on top of it the minimap.

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The minimap is placed in a separate screen gui and Zindex will have no effect. You should instead change the display order of the screen you have already made to something smaller than the display order of the minimap.

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That worked, thanks! Another question, is there a way to directly parent the “Background” instance to a frame instead of having it in the RoactTree instance? From what I’ve tried by modifying the PlayerGui while testing, it’s the only way I can get the minimap to be aligned with the existing UI and to stay consistently circle shaped. I’ve already tried the solution from a post above, but it parents the RoactTree instead of the Background instance.

UPDATE: I solved this issue with a basic script that changes the parent after 0.5 seconds. It’s probably not optimal but it’s better than nothing.

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The minimap is made with roact which sadly makes very hard to customise on that front. The only way you could do this would be to make your ui with roact.

Not really. Just make it mount on the specified instance.


How can we upgrade this system to take string together multiple images for a larger minimap? The 1024x1024 limit really defeats the purpose of having a minimap in the first place because the area will be small enough to just memorize…