PodTech Products and Set-up Guide

How to set up PodTech products.
Owned by Luk_ee, empowering new Ro-Aviation technology

Below you will find a step by step guide on how you can get PodTech products working inside your game!

All PodTech products require HTTP Services enabled, To find out how to enable HTTP services, go here to find out: HttpService.HttpEnabled

PodTech product hub for purchasing can be found here: Hub - Roblox


PodPhone is an easy to set up phone that allows you to use a device as your ticket and allow you to scan it at gates and for boarding.

  1. Purchase the PodPhone at the Hub: Hub - Roblox
  2. Insert the PodPhone Loader into your game: PodPhone Loader - Roblox
  3. Edit the PodSettings that are inside the Loader after you have inserted it, This will set up your phone and will then automatically insert your product into the game.
  4. Ensure to enable HTTP Services which has instructions at the top of this post
  5. PodPhone does not yet support any gates other than the default gate we provide for free: PodGate - Roblox

Note: PodPhone is a module system and will automatically update if it is required


PodGate has 2 versions, so please look carefully which one you want and what is right for what your using.

Note: These gates were only made for PodPhone so they only work for PodPhone.

Settings are provided inside the “MainScript” inside the gate to allow you to select who can access the gate

Pod Boarding Gate

The Pod Boarding Gate has the ability to work with both PodPhone and normal card systems, If you do not own PodPhone you have the ability to just use normal cards

The Pod Boarding Gate has settings under the “Loader” script, If you wish to use a card system, Make sure you set the UsingPodPhone to false and be sure to set your Card names and nick-names underneath it.

Note: Pod Boarding Gate is a module system and will automatically update if it is required

  1. Purchase the PodJetway at the Hub: Hub - Roblox
  2. Insert the PodJetway into your game, our bot would have sent you the file.
  3. Edit the Settings inside the Jetway
  4. Ensure HTTP services are enabled and that you own the game.

Coming soon

PodTech Flight Planner
  1. Grab the free PodTech Flight Planner from this game:
  2. Publish your copy of the game to your own place
  3. You cannot edit the settings inside studio, You are required to set up the place by joining the game.
  4. Enter your Group ID and then Group Rank on the next page
    Then you are all set to go!

Want to join our group? Join here: PodTech - Roblox


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