
I think we should have a way to get the top players on our leaderboards.
Top players for the day, week, month, all-time.

This would give developers an oppertunity to reward the very elite fans of their games.

Suggested method example:
local userids = PointsService:GetLeaderboard(Enum.LeaderboardType.Month)
for i,v in pairs(userids) do
print("Number: β€œ,i,” is user with the userid ",v)


Sounds good to me. This way we could also use PointsService to create leaderboards without needing to use ordered DataStores. Your leaderboards would also be synced to the site so you can view them without going in game, which is great. It’s just a matter of getting a client/server API for it.
Also, I’d change the name Enum.Leaderboards to something like Enum.LeaderboardType or Enum.PointsLeaderboardType instead :wink:

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