Possible memory leak issues that just occurred. cannot open a local test place

I’ve never had this problem before so am not sure where it could be from. The frameworks I’m using are Knit, Profile Service, and Roact. This started as soon as I turned on team create (clicked on collaboration to add people to Play). From there I was unable to open a local test. Sense then I’ve turned off team create and I still cannot open a local test. I get the error “bad allocation”. The research I’ve done on this says there may be a memory leak somewhere. I’m not sure where this could be. I have a screenshot of what I could find. Does anyone have suggestions or knows a process I can go about to finding the cause of this issue?


I’ve encountered that recently and I am pretty sure it wasn’t a memory leak on my side? I feel like it’s something with Roblox Studio itself as it has never occured before in any of my places. In this case, I am pretty sure “bad allocation” means that the application couldn’t allocate enough RAM to run a play test? Basically, you ran out of RAM due to studio.

If you feel like it’s something on your side, I’d suggest checking your installed plugins (the ones you recently installed/updated) for potential sources of a memory leak… Also, as a side question, how much RAM do you have installed in your device? I’ve encountered this issue with 8 GB RAM installed and studio somehow peaking to around 3.8GB memory usage at times.


i don’t see how it could be anything on my side because i don’t have anything that could be it… i have one timer that intervals 1 second for the player. that’s it lol. it was at 1450 memory last night and this morning. i just did a solo test directly in studio and now it’s 2000. i comment out a bunch of scripts that i assumed may be responsible for this type of behavior and still at 2000 mb. so i really have no idea. could it be roblox?

note: there’s also zero lag when i play from the place directly (not in studio) or just solo in studio


I actually got the same problem literally 10 minutes ago. I retried it about 3 times before it started behaving again.


Well, I don’t really have much to say here besides it potentially being something with Roblox Studio itself. As I said, I’ve never encountered this issue until recently (and my memory usage had never spiked as high as 3.8GB) so all I can believe here is that it’s something Roblox themselves have to resolve?


it works for me like one out of 20 tries lol


yeah i don’t know. i guess we will see and i’ll keep developing as normal. just sucks can’t local test because logic i’m working with requires multiple players.


You could try restarting Roblox Studio and see if that works. It might even be Roblox Studio itself that is having memory leaks.


I’ve restarted studio and hopped on another laptop all together. same problems. started when enabled team create… i wonder if that really had something to do with it because literally soon as i did that this is what happened. i also moved all my scripts and such to another empty place to see if that would help (it didn’t lmao).


Has there been any updates to Roblox Studio between today and yesterday? This seems like it could be a bug.


i don’t think so. this started happening last night while i was testing and wanted to do place test so i clicked collaborate to do that and right after i no longer could do local test. nothing happened in-between this.


i feel like it could be studio because this is what i got going into the test place… memory is wayyyyy down. still kinda high i feel like but i don’t know average.


and then goes up a lil. rn it’s at 1040.


Where are you seeing the “bad allocation” error?


There was another open topic about this here. I feel like this is an issue on roblox’s end - might be the new update on Studio. Nevertheless, perhaps try #bug-reports ?


it’s a seperate window that pops up closing the local test server. client windows never come up.



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[possible solution] Streaming enabled is now enabled by default… Soon as I set streaming enabled for my game to false I can now run local tests. Smh.


Oh, so it’s probably the game memory that’s too high to run on your device. Upgrade it xD


yeah and i may have spoke too soon man. it was working like 5 times in a row no issues… now it’s back to not fully loading the client windows but doesn’t crash and server loads in. you mean update studio or upgrade my ram?? i’ve had this problem with two different laptops and they are both very good laptops that run high graphics games.