Possible to get microphone input from voice chat?

Recently, Roblox added voice chat. Is it possible to get the player’s microphone input if they have voice on? I would like to make AI or some survival feature where AI can hear players.

ALSO i wanna add this feature only for singleplayer games.

Definitely not, I doubt that Roblox will give us access to what the player says.

The only interesting thing is to use the altitude of the wave for some animation

You can use AudioDeviceInput to control microphone input, and AudioAnalyzer to analyze volume levels

AudioAnalyzer:GetSpectrum returns an empty array if any of the analyzer’s inputs come from an AudioDeviceInput – but for deciding whether AI can hear players, I think .PeakLevel or .RmsLevel should work, if all you need is overall volume!

I doubt that Roblox will give us access to what the player says.

@SOTR654 we are working on speech-to-text transcription (announced here) which could help


Yeah, peakLevel is what is meant basically. If the player talks, the value will be 1 or higher, which can execute some type of playerSpeaks function in AI script or something. Thanks for responding!

Interesting, isn’t it dangerous to be able to transcribe what a player says? I mean, the dev could “spy”, people are usually more free when using voice chat and they usually tell somewhat personal things.

Besides that, good for an update.

I mean, it’s a cool feature. If you say something like “Hello, world” and the script somehow knows you said the right sentence or something from text transcription, it can unlock multiple new game features. like talking with AIs, shoot with a weapon when you say shoot.

But the spying thing is bothering me. I can imagine that someone can make some sort of pastebin with recorded voice chats in text. Which can have personal stuff—player names, you know. I’m not sure if you can do some HTTPPOST to websites, though. I really hope they can manage to avoid this situation.

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Yea, it can be used for bad things, maybe Roblox should add a new rule to moderate this, devs still can spy people but hey, it’s still a good feature.

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