Post Apocalyptic Lobby

I posted a thread a few months ago here. I wish I could show progress but I must have deleted the GIF or something from the image hosting site.

Here are some photos I took in studio, any feedback is appreciated!

If you don’t know what to reply with, I do want to know if I should switch to realistic trees. And possibly add in more vegetation? Let me know!

FiB lighting really does wonders.


Based on the images, I can see quite a few aspects which make me believe you’re going for a realistic style. Firstly, allow me to say that I love the lighting in these pieces, really adds to the feel and the textures you used are good choices for the theme of the lobby. image
This is an interior place so if you wanted to add plants, I’d recommend adding floor plants or adding the grass into little soil holders like this: image
Excuse the quality, I rushed through this extremely quickly and the grass model is not mine.
Of course, this is personal preference, but:

I feel like it’d look a lot more cleaner if you fixed the spacing between the letters or created it like this:image

That’s pretty much it. Love the pieces and hope to see more builds like this coming from you.


Thanks, I’ll work on the plant holders and text rn! :smiley:

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This is a pretty sick build. I love the look of it so far.
The patches of grass inside of the buildings is a fantastic touch.
I would most definitely add more/variation to the vegetation, especially considering that its post apocalypse – you know? Like over grown bushes and maybe some areas of taller grass etc.

As far as the trees go…
Honestly, I would try to go with more realistic trees. I mean you could keep the trees you have now, they’re not terrible (also remember to give a little variation, change some shades and sizes – not all trees should look exactly the same). But I feel like you’ve put so much work into this project so far and having more realistic trees would really tie it all together so nicely. I get it though, trees/bushes are my biggest struggle lol

Keep up the incredible work and keep us posted! It is really coming along nicely!

Very good! I like how the lighting bends off of different objects, and I also like the setting and the theme for all of the different areas and spaces!

Wow really nice! I am getting a fallout vibe from this :sweat_smile:
The store name seems little bit off so maybe work with that and then it’s ready :slight_smile:

This is so cool. I really love the lighting, I think you did a nice job there.

Thank you and I will! Thanks for the really detailed response! :smiley:

Working on that now, lol. Thank you!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Thank you! :smiley:

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Good post apocalyptic feel and abandoned objects, and building structures fits perfectly! While the lobby looks good I wouldn’t really go for a more realistic tree source because it wont match the style of your lobby.

If your going for a full apocalyptic look or a smaller feel, maybe adding more objects or terrain use to the place such as elevation around the terrain to represent how the terrain changed over past few years. Instead of making it look all flat dried trees could also fit the scene just play around with different selections and see what suits your liking.

Consider throwing some parts textures on the buildings with stains or cracks in it or on the walls and some vegetation hanging on the roof part try making the buildings fit the theme your wanting small improvements could make it stand out.


First off all, a fantastic build. Good lighting so far. A few concerns:

  • Your sunrays do not match with the prominent color that is being reflected off the top of the surfaces in game. A good example is the car that seems to shine out a yellowy gloom while the sunrays are pretty much white. Based on the scene and the lighting, I assume that the time of the day is eveninng, just before dawn etc. If that is the case I would advice you to change the TOD so that the sunrays would turn more yellow in color.
  • Trees, this was pointed out before already, just wanted to mention that besides having more realistic foliage (you could use blender3d for that), I’d also recommend having foliage in the form of creepers on doors, the fences, around pillars / tree trunks, abandoned cars, puddles of water / toxic waste etc. I would suggest looking at this video for more ideas:
  • In the room with weapons, I am assuming that it is some sort of a gun store. If that would be the case, it would be awesome to have some posters around that depict what might have happened in the past.Examples I’ve seen before include posters that call to war, world maps, etc. Bonus points if you could make the lights flicker on an irregular basis.
  • The room with all the Mannequins is surprisingly clean and bright. Not sure about the reasoning but when you look at all the other scenes, this atmosphere of clean polished wooden floor and crisp lighting doesnt really match that of the deserted, gloomy atmosphere outside.
  • Post processing, currently your game still looks quite colorful for what it’s theme stands for, try adding in more neutral or cold colors. The room with the guns is a good example of a cold environment, while the other scenes are pretty much just using the sun to it’s advantage. Ideally a gloomy scene would have more neutral (brown, while, black) or cold colors. Checkout: and also checkout the color correction filter so you dont have to change too much around this.
  • On the photo with the car in it, the roads are surprisingly very clean and tidy!! how can that be! add some grass, tires, maybe the road is itself not maintained and broken and uneven, rocks and grass growing around etc etc.
  • Finally, I want to say that when you make a realistic game you’d ideally want to introduce measures that would allow the user to set the LOD. This would help your game reach more folks while still allowing for a more realistic experience for high end users.

Hope this helps! Good luck with your game!

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Thank you for such a detailed response!

I turned down my ColorShift_Top to hopefully make it better, without a slight yellow glow the game looks dull.

Also for extra vegatation, I’m utilizing smooth terrain’s grass for more ‘alive’ experience.

I’ve taken note of everything you replied with, thank you for helping my game get better! (And yes there will be a setting to turn off extra details such as shadows/vegatation/extra decals & textures).

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