Post withdrawn ( Pls ignore or remove)

Edit Post withdrawn, will attempt to make a better Tutorial if I ever get to.


It’s awesome to see robloxians create Blender tutorials. My only concern is that the video is too difficult to understand without text or voice. I would still highly recommend watching experienced tutors to learn more about the Boolean tool.


Thanks for tutorial. :wink:

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Also keep in mind that when inserting a Sphere/Cylinder in blender, these shapes are preset for rendering - not game assets. They’re a lot higher poly than necessary and you should tweak their properties.

Example of what to tweak with a Cylinder, which default has 32 vertices to form a circle ( = 124 triangles)
I’d recommend tweaking this value to smaller values depending on object size. Gun barrel = 6, street post = 8, etc.


ive been using blender for a long time and ive barely legit used the boolean modifier


good that you mention it … i didnt meant to show ppl they should use such a unreasonable resolution for their meshes :upside_down_face:

Also @maplestick indeed …and i know what you mean … its just the boolean modifier doesnt feel like Roblox CSG modeling while the Bool tools addon does simplify it enough towards the needed feeling … id suggest watching your linked video too (:

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btw …just that you mention the problem of mesh resolution …why exactly does Roblox use a cylinder and sphere resolution of 24 even since its very beginning ? 24 is far more than onyl unreasonable high for a game like Roblox aimed for low end hardware :face_with_raised_eyebrow::thinking:

Just asking …no direct complain …but iam just curios…

I seriously wish Roblox could let us choose a parts mesh resolution before inserting it … using half the mesh resolution would pretty much lead to as double as low tri count for every Roblox game =in many cases upto 50% less rendering lag … (more or less …)

while the users could even use far lower resolutions for background props and small unnoticed details …without the need to use a 3rd party software like Blender ):


GASP how?! why?! You have really missed out…

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no thanks - by the power of knife project no boolean is worthy of my time