Premium Payouts Question

Did Roblox increase how much you earn from Premium Payouts? Because I’ve seen a huge spike on the graph but there wasn’t much growth on the game. I also can’t seem to find any topics related to this.



That’s also what I saw and would like to know if it’s a legit raise

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No that isnt it. I got this tripling at the time. What he’s talking about is yet another tripling(approximately) that hit starting yesterday for June 24’s premium payouts


I also have experienced a large premium payouts graph spike at approximately 4x the average.


I’m hoping we get an answer to this soon, it’s a pretty big difference in robux income.


Premium score and money is calculated not just based on the percent on premium players (comparative or not), but also their average time played.

You may notice that the score is about the same but the Robux shoots up, so my guess is one day a lot more people played Roblox for a longer amount of time?

I’ve noticed that both graphs, Premium Payouts and Premium Visits, haven’t been updated in 4 days. I’m not sure if this is normal? Has anyone else experienced this after seeing their payouts spike?

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This is normal. When I kept up with it daily, it seemed like the figures came in every two days, with two day’s data at once and two days behind. It can vary a little though.

nah this cant be chalked up to roblox’s formula or random chance, it’s too extreme. Something else has changed, whether intentionally or not.

Edit: Yep, the next two days just came in. They are lower but still a solid 3x higher than before.

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The dream is over. I figured it was not intentional, that was too much money

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The issue is back:

Both my games have crazy premium payout amounts for the last two days

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