Preview clothes before uploading to Roblox?

I started working on clothes for my game, and as a beginner I came across a lot of samples that I upload to roblox to monitor the progress of my work. Because of this, I got a lot of trash in my creations (decals, shirts, pants) that I do not need.

On the Internet, I found topics that say that you can’t delete your downloads from the site, so I had a question.

Is it possible to preview clothes before uploading them to the site? Maybe someone made what kind of program, maybe there’s some kind of website (like Minecraft skins editor) where you can watch your changes live?

Thanks :))


You have to upload the clothing first. Before you start selling it, you can get its ID. After that, go to Studio. There, insert a character. In the “Shirt” or the “Pants” part, change the ID property or something like that to your item’s ID. Unfortunately, you can’t preview clothing while uploading it, so. If there isn’t a post like that, feel free to suggest it in #platform-feedback:website-features

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You do not quite understand me.
Because of this system, “Upload to the site to see, but you cannot delete it,” I have accumulated a lot of garbage in my downloads, (I’m just learning). Therefore, I am interested in maybe there is some third-party software that can preview my work.
In order not to upload 50 modified versions of the T-shirt to the site.


You can use decals to put them on the person acide from that I do not know of any other methods then uploading to roblox

Well, I did. I don’t know any third-party software and I don’t think this is generally possible. Previewing them on Studio with the way I told you is the only solution.

You can preview clothing in studio by inserting a Shirt or Pants object into a character, then once you select the ShirtTemplate or PantsTemplate property, you should see a button that allows you to upload the clothing.

Note: You must open a published game to see this menu.

If you don’t want to upload the template to the site, you could place your clothing templates into your studio textures folder and reference it with the rbxasset://textures/ link.



It turns out that you can do this without uploading to the site! Thanks!!!


Age old topic, but it comes up in search, so I’ll add for any other newcomers who find this that you can try (free). It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty good and much faster. :slight_smile:

See Clothing Previewer and 3D drawing (e.g. Procreate 3D) for some more details.