Prism Lighting Engine (1.2) New Purchase Method! - A Light Baking Plugin | BIG UPDATE!


Prism Lighting Engine

Building better graphics

What is PLE?

PLE (Prism Lighting Engine) is a light baking plugin created for enhancing your games graphics through a variety of features. The main ones being Indirect Illumination and Volumetric Lighting.

How do I use PLE?

To use PLE, open up the baking GUI, you will see this GUI:

Now, select a light, and customize to your liking. After customizing, click Bake Lights. To clear ALL lighting, click Clear Lighting.

What are PLE's setbacks?

At the moment, PLE only supports baked lighting, pointlight and spotlight instances. PLE only works well with ShadowMap, Voxel, and Compatibility

Where can I get PLE?

Currently, PLE is available for 600 Robux with a DISCORD ACCOUNT ONLY!
(The Roblox plugin will still get updated!)

  1. You can purchase it by clicking Purchase in the purchase portal.
  2. Join the Prism Assets Discord Server and follow the instructions in #verify-purchase


Crossroads mountain area with Indirect Illumination on a PointLight
(20 Samples, 10 Ray Bounces, 0 Threshold, 0.5 Brightness)

Crossroads mountain area with ID and VL on a SpotLight
(15 Samples, 10 Ray Bounces, 0 Threshold, 40 VL Samples, 1 Brightness)

Test Scene with ID on a PointLight
(15 Samples, 10 Ray Bounces, 0.5 Threshold, 0.5 Brightness)

DOORS hallway from the toolbox with Volumetric Lighting
(10 VL Samples, 1.5 Brightness)

Planned Features

  • Better shadows
  • Some sort of reflections
  • Volumetric Fog
  • Better Volumetric Lighting
  • Dynamic lights (moveable lights)
  • Realtime lighting

Thank you!




Fixed Length Effects being a Incrementor!


1.2 comes out within the next week. It’ll come with a revamped light engine and along with it, better shadows!

A early access version will be accessible in version 1.1.5


This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, sure even if you have 50 dollars volumika is great, but this tool is baked meaning it’s probably more performant and works better for static scenes, also the global lighting looks incredible.

I’m excited for what else this project has to offer in the future.


will a demo place be available?


Probably with update 1.1.5 or 1.2


UPDATE 1.1.2

  • Added support for multiple lights at once
  • Added a experimental setting for passing through transparency objects with the godrays
  • Changes to light “dissipation”, hopefully based on light absorption soon
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UPDATE 1.1.3

  • Godrays now fully go through transparent objects
  • Pass Transparent enabled by default
  • Added version counter


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UPDATE 1.1.4

  • Added experiments section!
  • Future lighting support! (experimental)


UPDATE 1.1.4b

  • Future lighting now looks much better


UPDATE 1.1.4c

  • Fixed godrays becoming absurdly long after passing through a transparent object

Suggestion to have the values for the settings in the plugin save for when you reopen studio.
(plugin:SetSetting(key, value), plugin:GetSetting(key))
It would make it a lot easier for developers to have specific looks to their game without having to remember their settings, especially as you add more features.

You should also consider adding more settings for the various things, like adjusting godray intensity, and changing what determines a reflection for indirect lighting (for different materials, etc.), and cleaning up unnecessary folders created by the plugin.



I have made a new purchasing method, WE'RE BACK!

1.2 Soon :slight_smile:

new UI by @rudygamingroblos (waiting for 1.2 post to approve)

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  • Added a new UI!

  • Added Sun Light baking (W.I.P)

  • You can now delete certain baked lights instead of everything (two options now)

  • Added a update available popup (shows up under the version when the plugin is out of date)

  • Added a new purchase method because of the USD pricing update:

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How Exactly does sun baking work? the same as normal baking?
It is very laggy btw

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Its a work in progress currently. Im basically trying to make an optimized way to have the sun shoot out a bunch of rays in a sphere based on how far you want it to start, and then do all the ray bounces when it hits. Im probably going to add a progress bar for it.

the SC from this post and math.pi should help

what are the godrays made with?