Version 1.01
What is Pro UI?
Pro UI is a module for GUI (Graphical User Interface) developers to use to enhance their skills even further.
Why should I use Pro UI?
Pro UI includes unimaginable features that are very useful for you in one place, such as:
- Draggable Frames
- Gradient borders (How to make a moving gradient border on a GUI)
- Making the frames tween transparent
- Button Ripple Effect
- Character Viewport
- And more
How do I use Pro UI?
Simply insert the RBXM file below into your game. The Tutorial
script is for a shorter tutorial. The ModuleLoader cannot be moved/deleted and must be under the LocalScript you are using Pro UI for.
Pro UI Parameters and Functions
Each function has to be called by using require().
Make the frame draggable
module.MakeDraggable(FrameToMove, Activation, Shadow)
FrameToMove - (Object) The frame to move when the Activation frame has been activated.
Activation - (Object) The frame to activate the drag.
Shadow - (Object) The shadow frame of the Gui (keep empty or nil if none is needed)
Typewriter Text Effect
module.TypeText(Object, Text, TimePerLetter)
Object - (Object) The object that has a Text property to write the function to.
Text - (String) The text you want to type.
TimePerLetter - (Int/Number) The time between each letter. (This can be left blank)
Create a gradient border
module.CreateGradientBorder(UIGradient, EasingStyle, EasingDirection, RotationTime)
UIGradient - (Object) The UIGradient (border gradient) to write the function to.
EasingStyle - (Enum.EasingStyle) The EasingStyle it plays (This can be left blank)
EasingDirection - (Enum.EasingDirection) The EasingDirection it plays (This can be left blank)
RotationTime - (Int/Number) The time it takes to make a full rotation (This can be left blank)
Tween a background blur effect
module.BackgroundBlur(BlurAmount, EasingStyle, EasingDirection, TweenTime)
BlurAmount - (Int/Number) The blur amount that it should tween to (This can be left blank)
EasingStyle - (Enum.EasingStyle) The EasingStyle it plays (This can be left blank)
EasingDirection - (Enum.EasingDirection) The EasingDirection it plays (This can be left blank)
TweenTime - (Int/Number) The time it takes to complete the blur effect (This can be left blank)
Play a sound effect
module.PlaySoundEffect(Sound, Volume)
Sound - (String) The sound the function should play (included sounds include “Click”, “Success”, and “Failed”)
Volume - (Int/Number) The volume of the sound (This can be left blank)
Tween the frame and parent’s transparencies
module.SmoothFrameParentTransparency(EnableFrames, MainFrame, TweenSpeed)
EnableFrames - (Boolean) true (make frames visible) or false (make frames transparent 1)
MainFrame - (Object) The main frame holder.
TweenSpeed - (Int/Number) The time it takes to complete the transparency effect (This can be left blank)
Add the LocalPlayer character into a ViewportFrame
ViewportFrame - (Object) The ViewportFrame object to show the character in.
Smooth Gui Resize
module.SmoothGuiResizeAnimation(Frame, StartingAmount, GoalAmount, EasingStyle, EasingDirection, TweenTime)
Frame - (Object) The main frame to add the UIScale into (done automatically).
StartingAmount - (Int/Number) The starting scale size.
GoalAmount - (Int/Number) The ending scale size.
EasingStyle - (Enum.EasingStyle) The EasingStyle it plays (This can be left blank)
EasingDirection - (Enum.EasingDirection) The EasingDirection it plays (This can be left blank)
TweenTime - (Int/Number) The time it takes to complete the blur effect (This can be left blank)
Ripple Effect
module.RippleEffect(Button, Color, EasingStyle, EasingDirection, TweenTime)
Frame - (Object) The main frame to add the UIScale into (done automatically).
Color - (Color3) The color of the effect.
EasingStyle - (Enum.EasingStyle) The EasingStyle it plays (This can be left blank)
EasingDirection - (Enum.EasingDirection) The EasingDirection it plays (This can be left blank)
TweenTime - (Int/Number) The time it takes to complete the blur effect (This can be left blank)
Insert Model In ViewportFrame
module.InsertModelInViewport(Item, ViewPortFrame, FieldOfViewMultiplier, RotationAmount, XOffset, YOffset)
Item - (Object) The model with a PrimaryPart that shows in the viewport.
ViewPortFrame - (Object) The ViewportFrame object to show the model in.
FieldOfViewMultiplier - (Int/Number) FOV multiplier for the Viewport. (This can be left blank)
RotationAmount - (Int/Number) The amount of rotation per RenderStep (every frame the game runs) added (This can be left blank)
XOffset - (Int/Number) The X-Offset for the viewport camera (This can be left blank)
YOffset - (Int/Number) The Y-Offset for the viewport camera (This can be left blank)
If the function isn’t working, try warning and see what happens. It will return a warning if it did an error.
Bug fixes and updates will be coming soon.
Note: If the module isn’t loading, try in-game and it should load. If you want to use it in studio, download the module here. Please note this means auto-updates will not occur.
Hope you guys think this module is useful and have a great time using Pro UI!
Pro UI.rbxm (2.1 KB)
nana_kon // Draggable Module