This sounds interesting and also funny, also I’m curious, how long will Roblox actually stay on top of this until they just forget and go back on their word and start moderating accounts again for dumb things. It’s happened time and time again, so just curious to see how long this “proactivity” lasts.
From my understanding this only applies to avatar items. Could a similar system be expanded to other types of assets in the future, e.g images/decals?
If i uploaded some bundles which I would like to take down, what should i do? Also, will we be able to archive limiteds & bundles in the future? perhaps making them so the creator gets no funds from the item, but they also can’t get moderated for it?
Ok, so when is moderation for UGC arriving?
Now these are the updates to go for / focus on, not that AI stuff please. Hopefully this goes smoothly
probably the most goated update in a while thanks roblox
now this is hype. thanks roblox
first roblox W in awhile when it comes to the marketplace
now they just need to remove the holding period for limited items
and moderation on
“freaky” items and other slang
Will we receive a notification if one of our items is taken down?
From my understanding the moderation process here is pretty vague, in the case that an asset is proactively falsely moderated what would be the protocol to get it reinstated? Additionally, knowing that there are a decent amount of historical assets uploaded by others who may not be on the platform anymore, can we send a request on their behalf?
Been wanting this for a long time, I’m glad it’s finally here.
bumping this. suggestive/sexual ugc is major child safety concern
This might be one of the best updates in years.
This is amazing news to hear! I do have a question though, what about content moving forward? Do you guys plan on cracking down on copyrighted material more frequently in the future? There will unfortunately always be bad actors who will continue to infringe on copyrights, so will they be punished in the future or will they be let off without punishment via this Proactive Marketplace Archive process as well?
Glad to hear this now exists! If only it existed in the past when people were getting terminated left and right for sometimes decades old clothing assets.
Agree with this. Those previously terminated for assets where they had no ability to take proactive steps to archive, meanwhile Roblox itself was, and still is, very slow in responding to archive requests, should have their accounts restored as this new update is rolling out.