Proactive Marketplace Archiving on Roblox

bumping this. suggestive/sexual ugc is major child safety concern


This might be one of the best updates in years.

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This is amazing news to hear! I do have a question though, what about content moving forward? Do you guys plan on cracking down on copyrighted material more frequently in the future? There will unfortunately always be bad actors who will continue to infringe on copyrights, so will they be punished in the future or will they be let off without punishment via this Proactive Marketplace Archive process as well?

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Glad to hear this now exists! If only it existed in the past when people were getting terminated left and right for sometimes decades old clothing assets.


Agree with this. Those previously terminated for assets where they had no ability to take proactive steps to archive, meanwhile Roblox itself was, and still is, very slow in responding to archive requests, should have their accounts restored as this new update is rolling out.


Will this affect items that have been re-uploaded that were originally uploaded by roblox?


Most of those ice valks are different from the ones uploaded by roblox, I don’t see how this image is relevant to the thread

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“Most” doesn’t mean all

There are still many assets that are directly meant to copy a specific item from roblox and this is just a example

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VERY GREAT CHANGE, love this can you keep up the GOOD updates pleasee!

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actually 70% of them are mesh rips, and his post isn’t unrelated he’s simply hopes this implies to assets infringing on already existing roblox material and is asking a question.


Been needing this for a while now, all we need is the Moderation Part.

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I’m sure this update will cause a lot of issues. Before this announcement was made, I had reported a few archived assets, and Roblox decided to remove them. So, archived assets are getting flagged for moderation, and people can try using the platform’s report abuse system. So far, I’ve managed to get 12 assets removed just because they were archived. UGC creators need better clarification on this.


Wait, huh? Archived assets are getting taken down? I’m confused as to what you mean here

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Yeah, before this announcement, I was casually reporting UGC items. I reported a few realistic gun UGCs, and then decided to start reporting archived assets. There were tons of archived assets in a group that was creating Super Super Happy Face copies, and I reported all of them—only about 2 got deleted. After that, I searched for ‘archived’ in the catalog and reported other archived items, and around 10 more got removed, but I must have reported close to 50. The system is very flawed right now, and you can report any archived asset, and it will likely get moderated, albeit rarely.


Love this update for the marketplace
How are refunds processed for users who may have purchased, if at all?


You can submit reports for them through the platform’s report abuse system. They usually delete a few within a few days. I specifically reported Ice Valkyries about 4 days ago, and 7-8 of them were removed.


They absolutely should have their accounts restored and I hope more people replying on here push for it. Not sure if there’s a limit to how long until data is unretrievable/unrestorable but if there is a limit, those who are eligible should have their accounts restored. I hope to see this happen but I doubt it will.


Hello, after seeing your reply, I checked your UGC group and found that 4 items from your group had been archived. I reported all 4, and one of them was deleted. Could you please confirm if any action has been taken on your account?

Edit: I saw 3 more archived items in your group, but nevermind. :skull:

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I’m confused as to why this is taking so long (it has been asked for and promised for years). Roblox has had the time to make a system that proactively scans through items and archives them but hasn’t gotten to making a simple button to let us archive our own items. Having to send in a support form both strains the limited time of Roblox support unnecessarily and doesn’t appear to be consistent from my experience (the items I sent to support were not archived).

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Quick, tell nintendo before it’s too late.