So I’m trying to get the ID of my Module Script but I don’t know why, the output says “Unable to find module for asset id” , Even though I’ve put the ModuleScript into the Model and named it MainModule, This is a picture
of my ModuleScript asset:
There’s any mistake or misplaced? please help
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Are you trying require(id)
That doesn’t work anymore.
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So how can I get the module id? is there no other way?
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April 28, 2022, 3:54pm
You have to publish to roblox as model
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I already did that, that’s why I got the error
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April 28, 2022, 3:58pm
You dont have to publish. Just do like this:
local Module = require(script.MainModule)
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I know that, I want to make it an id so I can use it everywhere
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April 28, 2022, 4:00pm
Why did you make Model
Can’t you publish only with script?
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April 28, 2022, 4:01pm
Turning it into a package is probably easier.
What code are you using to load it?
Is this getting in the way? Removing Support for Third Party Closed Source Modules
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It can, but the output still says the same error, I’ll try to publish it again and again
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April 28, 2022, 4:04pm
Can I see your script please ?
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Which one? module or script? [Character Limit]
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April 28, 2022, 4:05pm
script [character] [character] [character]
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local module = require(9488077750) -- Error Line
local admins = {
local owner = {
module:RespawnCMD(plr, admins, "/respawn")
module:BtoolsCMD(plr, owner, "/btool")
module:SpeedCMD(plr, admins, "/speed")
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Nevermind, the problem is solved, I don’t know how but after I closed my roblox studio and left for a while, then I opened it again and suddenly it worked, thanks for trying to help me
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