Problem with exporting blender animation to roblox

Hello this is my first ever time using blender to animate roblox characters, i’ve watched a few videos on how to use the R6IK rig and how to export it into roblox, but for some reason i have an issue exporting my animation even though im doing the same thing as in the videos…
Here’s the animation, i made a simple one just to mess around with it

And here’s me trying to see the animation after i uploaded it to roblox using the ‘Blender Animations’ plugin the videos were providing.
If anyone has any idea what i can do to make it work, please let me know !

The version of the plugin you’re using is outdated, it’s not 100% broken but for Blender 4.0+ you should use the addon and Roblox plugin in this fork by “cautioned”:

Also, why are you importing with Moon Animator instead of the plugin import button?

Also, as you’re using r6 I recommend you read a few posts down the one I linked, looks like some people had issues with r6, but apparently, there’s a fix.

i just tried the blender 4.0 version too and im having the same problem, i tried to bake the animation into a file and export it that way, and still no sign of it working

Did you try the normal export option? It’s working fine for me, although I’m using r15.

Also, I remember reading somewhere on this thread that if you had the old version of the Blender addon or Roblox plugin you would have to uninstall the old version and re-install the new (something like that, I don’t remember)

Also this:

I will try and give that a try

i have a question tho, when i want to export to legacy, which button do i acctually have to press to do that? and theres a thing at the top, im not sure if i should use the rig or armature when exporting

In the option on the top, you should select the armature the addon created when you imported the rig, usually it’s called just “Armature” because the addon doesn’t rename and there are no other armatures in the scene.

As for “exporting legacy” I think the people on the topic were referring to exporting the r6 from Roblox:


But to export your animation normally, click on the “Export animation” button (after your armature is selected on the top option), and the animation data will be copied to your clipboard.


Now go to Roblox and click “Import Animation” on the Roblox Plugin, then paste the animation data on the script that it’ll open.

ok im using the plugin’s rig but how do i create the IK constraints?

Oh, you weren’t using the plugin rig? Well, that’s probably why it wasn’t working.

To create IK constraints on the r6 I don’t know if it’ll work but on r15 I can just:

Try this with the r6 legs, if it doesn’t work I have no idea, I’m sorry I usually just use r15.

Also, you probably can create your own IK bones, I think the plugin ignores them when exporting the animation.

yeah i can create them but uh… the’re not working like at all

Yeah, the chances of it working were very low. But how do you even create IK constraints in a chain of 1 bone? Usually IK is used to control a chain of 3+ bones, how do you do it with a chain of 1?

it had it pre-set to 1

its so weird because other people are able to make it in R6 and import it to roblox ( this is someone else’s video)

That’s why it doesn’t work, “a chain of 1” isn’t a chain, Blender doesn’t understand this, the IK r6 rigs probably use some weird workaround, but when I say

I’m referring to this:

These r6 IK rigs use extra invisible bones to make it work, I don’t know how to do this, nor if the plugin supports it.

You can dm “CAUTlONED” or reply on that topic I linked, I have 0 clue of how to do it with r6, I’m sorry.

Also, you might want to consider r15 as animating it with IK is even easier than animating r6 rigs. (When I say that I’m referring to my personal experience, I’m not an animator but with r15 IK rigs I can get decent results, something I can’t do with r6, it’s hard to replicate human movements on r6 because their limbs aren’t human, they don’t have knees or elbows, etc.)