Problem with Image

Hello everyone, there is a problem, when exporting an image to roblox studio
, for some reason this white outline appears, I don’t know what to do. Image resolution 635 x 816

What does the original model look like?

This looks like an anti-aliasing bug, what program are you exporting the image from?


Cool! I don’t really know anything about photoshop, but does it have something where you can export images with anti-aliasing and is it enabled?

I do not know, I downloaded it myself recently.


Roblox has some problems with images when the transparent pixels don’t say that they’re the same color as the image. Normally it doesn’t matter than an invisible pixel is a different color but when Roblox scales down the image it uses those pixels’ colors. (E.g. for your image your invisible pixels are probably 255,255,255 alpha=0, which Roblox blurs into your black pixels.)


You can fix it using the little javascript tool in this reply:

(DevForum won’t let me quote the reply or link to it, probably because it doesn’t like the link in it :person_shrugging:)

(Edit: I was able to do some HTML hackery to get the links in here.)

After a bit of research, i think it may be an issue on roblox’s side

Try to open the image in your image editing program and inverting alpha, if the transparent part turns white, color it black and then invert alpha again, that should fix it.

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It’s likely that the transparent pixels are not properly colored the same, including the fully transparent ones.
While i’m not sure what tool can fix this, you can try changing the background layer color of the image to be black instead of white.

Here is a tool:

Using a tool works for images with more than one color and is totally automatic.

you can just go into paint dot net and color the transparent pixels the right color