Problem with Importing Armature and Animations from Blender

Hello, I have a problem with importing viewmodel with its rig and animation. My goal is importing realistic viewmodel with a gun in it, into Roblox Studio.

I don’t use the well-known blender-roblox import plugin(i forgot its name sry) due to its incompatible nature with realistic hands.

Here is what i want to achieve :

Fire animation :

This is when I import it to roblox studio :

All bones are in correct positions but when I try to edit it with animation editor, here is what I see :

Arms, hands, magazine and other little pieces of gun moves as intended. On the other hand, I couldn’t understand why the main body of gun and bullets don’t move.

I’ll give more information on the rigging, exporting and importing settings :

Gun is composed with 3 meshes

Those are the bones, the 3 meshes are named respectively weapon1, weapon2, weapon3. (weapon1) is the parent of everything except for bullets(which is parented to magazine).

For exporting, I come to object mode tab and select all and export it with these settings :

Import settings :

Is there an idea how to solve it ? I tried re-doing all the animation, rigging etc. but didn’t work :confused:

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After hours of hideous, disgusting, repulsive… trial-and-error session, I figured out what the problem was.


The bones and their respective meshes had same names so Roblox got confused.

Why do problems related to animation have to be caused by names all the time?

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