So, I’m making some models in blender, and often a “problem” like that shows up:

Both sides are exactly the same and symmetrical, but, well, you see that; Any way to deal with such things without a completely remaking model?
So, I’m making some models in blender, and often a “problem” like that shows up:
Both sides are exactly the same and symmetrical, but, well, you see that; Any way to deal with such things without a completely remaking model?
Try inverting faces of the mesh. Should help you with this problem.
You can turn on “Backface Culling” to see if your normals are pointing inwards (this is how it will display the mesh in-studio)
with Backface Culling OFF
^ image B
with Backface Culling ON
^ image C
You can also turn on “Face Orientation” The Blue will show the normals that are facing outwards (correctly) and the Red will show the normals that are Facing inwards (incorrectly, will show up as an invisible face in-studio e.g. image C)
^ image D
Other Stuffs
You can select all in edit mode and then Shift + N to recalculate outside
You can select all in edit mode (face select) and then Ctrl + T to triangulate the faces, since studio converts all the quads on the model there might have been an error there