Problem with water transparency

2 days ago the transparency of water in Roblox Studio does not work for me. I do not currently have anything in Lighting that may affect and I have not been able to solve it. I have changed the color of the water many times but in no color does it work. I upload and under the transparency but there is no effect and I would like to know if it is something that has changed to improve it soon or it is a problem of Roblox Studio. I’ve already tried things but nothing works.

Is someone going through it? Could you help me?


Water gets rendered opaque regardless of its Transparency when your quality level is below a certain threshold. I checked and it has to be 16+ before it becomes transparent.



Thank you! Now the water will be as it wanted :hugs:


Also keep in mind that it reflects the skybox, especially if there is nothing underneath the water. It’s possible it just looks this blue due to that.


Thank you XAXA. I’ve only just installed Roblox Studio on my brand new PC and experienced the same.

Your post still helps a lot.


To see the transparency you can click the play button and view it. If you want to edit it, edit it on your play test and the copy the values over.