The Water Street

it’s very simple, You just have to change the properties of the water, just open the explorer, search for “terrain” and there you will have the properties to change them to your liking, (I’m not in Studio right now)


This is incredible and very inspiring! I don’t have any suggestions, it looks very, very well done to me. Great job!

:open_mouth: You sure this is from studio

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I shared with you the properties that I have activated from my water in case you want to try them :wink:

Captura de pantalla 2021-04-15 093951


This looks great, but are you able to add more variations of buildings?

I’m seeing a very recurring pattern in this creation where you use the same builds over and over and it gets too repetitive.

Thank you, this means alot since your builds inspire me especially your water street. :slight_smile:

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Do not worry,
I had already planned to do more different styles, since my time was not the best at that time

You can make the water more transparent if you need to in Game Options.

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I always had the highest quality, (level 21)

“this is more transparent”

“the one I had”

(Personally I like photo 2 better)

Yeah, Picture 2 is better, the floor of the river on Picture 1 makes the water look green.

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Can agree with Aeventy, photo 2 is better the water should be 2.

Maybe change the floor to gray?

I love the map and I don’t know if it’s just me but this map gives me some Arsenal vibes

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Maybe, since it had some grass underneath


Wow. It looks really good. Kinda reminds me of the canals map in Arsenal.

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Wow, I love this! My only suggestion(completely optional, its an actual pain when people ask my to commission benches :grimacing:)is to make some original benches instead of using the ones from the city pack.

Beautiful !, it reminds me of Venice, good details and others

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By the way, sorry I asked but, did you happen to be inspired by the Arsenal map?
(I’m curious)

Actually, I was not inspired at all by said map

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