Procedural Planet Generator (CUSTOM TERRAIN AND DEFORMING) (V1.1.0)

The concept

Hello, I’m Kris and while I was working on the space exploration project I asked myself the question: “How to give the player the opportunity to explore huge planets and moons?” And now, the answer has been found. Procedural generation of planets.

The system

I modified the script originally made by @Fenix7667 and turned it into a module. It generates low-poly planets and moons (depending on parameters).

You can modify Noise, Sea, Biomes, Mountains and some generation parameters (such as Radius, Resolution, etc.)


If you have any questions, write them here


how long does this take to generate


brother, just try it out yourself :upside_down_face:

This is really cool tho…
I’m just kind of suspicious of the amount of lag
that all those triangles are going to cause.

Somebody plays remake No Mans Sky in Roblox,
that would be hilarious!

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I’m trying to make it produce less lag, but that will probably take more time

Adding custom shapes support


For now, it depends on server/your pc performance, terrain coroutines, the resolution and the welding type

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I looked at you draw3DTriangle.lua and you
are using wedges. That’s like the most laggy option…

There are 3 other options:

  • Single face triangle mesh:
    Use Blender to make a single triangle face and try
    to use that to generate the terrain with… just not sure
    how to get the proportions perfect and things like that.

  • Roblox terrain
    You can in fact use tables to set roblox terrain,
    but I don’t think planets would be possible.
    You could try tho…

  • EditableMesh
    For perfomance this is probably the best one…
    However, you do have to be a genius to make it work,
    because it is not replicated, meaning you would need to
    code custom replication and even custom collisions!

Good luck with this, it’s cool :smile:

Hey I want to try this out but I can’t find out how to use the GitHub thing and the script.