Procedural terrain generation but it actually looks epic

Hello there everyone,

So I have been working on some procedural terrain generation recently using ridgid multi fractal noise and perlin noise and I think the results looks pretty cool:

Any feedback on what I could add would be very helpful.

If you want to have a walk around yourself you can head over here:

(NOTE: The game will lag significantly for about a minute while it is generating)
(NOTE: I have had to disable infinite generation temporarily because it just lags too much at the moment but there is still a decent amount of terrain to explore)

Each server will have a random map with a random biome, if you want to switch up the biome join a new server.


This’ll have to be one of the most memorable posts ill see the whole year


Looks great. How long did it take you to make this?


I have been messing around with noise for quite some time but this project took around a week.


That looks epic! The title really didn’t lie


Wow, very cool. I was hoping to get into this myself.

This is incredible. Well done and it’s crazy how far we can push Roblox nowadays

Is there a chance of this becoming open source? I’m quite intrigued by it.

Also this seems very similar to 5uphi’s Infinite Terrain/Infinite Scripter terrain, and was wondering if you maybe took inspiration from it, then again, there’s only so much deviation in procedural terrain.

Is there any chance you could open source this like the guy above me said? I would love to see how it works and possibly implement it.

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Holy Moly! This is insane! This is the best one I seen so far!