What are you working on currently? (2023)

some logo designs


Absolutely amazing! Great work :slight_smile:


I am working on a horror game called “The Window”. It is just a concept name so if you have any name ideas, reply to this message.
Anyways, he is what I have so far of the game


I’m working on 2 projects with @Zriggo who is also the co-creator. The 2 projects are “DEFCON: 1 War Room” and “Stomp!”

War Room- Players are elected to the Government of 2 different countries during war and the objective of the game is to destroy the opponent’s country before they destroy yours by either authorizing the use of Tactical or Nuclear Weapons as President or funding those weapons and providing aid to the civilian population as Senator/Councilor.

Stomp- Players are shrunken to the size of a rats/ants/spiders to study them more close in details but while studying them, the rat/ant/spider wakes up after being put to sleep and players must quickly regain control by becoming big again. To do this, they must run around the map looking for Growth Serum and stomp out the rat/ant/spider while doing so before being killed. There will be 5 waves and the final wave has the keys to escape the map.


lovin those palm trees my man! :wink:


I am working on some terrain generation using a crazy thing called ridged multi fractal noise :hushed: (and also some perlin noise in there as well)

You can check out some images and a game link here:


I am working on chapter 2 of my horror game called Within the Darkness


Is it similar to KO city? (Rip)


Hello everyone!

For this year I’ve got a few things planned:

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night! :wave:


I hope you are able to accomplish your goal, good day/night to you too :wave:


I am currently working on a secret project, I can’t say anything about that, but expect some news this year!


I’m currently enrolled in a marketing-related college course and we had to choose a brand to analyze so I selected Roblox! :smiley:

Just recently reached a point in the course where we have to create an example ad campaign for the brand and here’s what I came up with across the past few days and finalized this morning:

1st Example Ad Campaign Mockup

2nd Example Ad Campaign Mockup

( I know the “On Roblox” badge for this mockup along with the third example is meant to be displayed in the bottom left of an image but it’s just an example :slight_smile: )

3rd Example Ad Campaign Mockup


I’m very excited for this. Reminds me of that other remake that never got finished.


Medieval Wars : Conquest
Showcase video:

Game Link Medieval Wars : Conquest [BETA] - Roblox
This is my personal project guys. I’m the only developer. Game is currently in its final form , it’s released , ready to play. It’s a round and round battle game , with 2 teams . You start and pick your weapon from the weapon racks , then go battle with your team against other team.
I made the skills very balanced so every player can enjoy this and show their abilities.
Currently there are 3 weapon type : sword , staff and bow . They all have different skills. I am planning to add more weapon types like dagger , axe , 2h sword etc.
There is also nice bots behaving just like a opponent player . Bots are there only for filling the empty spaces in match map.You will see only real players if the server get’s full during matchmaking.
The game is not pay to win!
Game is like counter strike or pubg , based on player’s skills.
I’m willing to hear your advices and opinions . Show me if you see any bug . Tell me what could be improved . Tell me if there are anything players may not like . Please play and enjoy .


it’s made with roblox’s terrain generation and tools.


(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)


The door awaits…

I am making a Classic Roblox Horror Game (Nyctophobia) where you have to hide from Dark a black figure trying to find you, but a fun little twist is that they are invisible till they attack but your heart will beat when they are close.

If you get attacked by Dark 3 times you will get downed and you will have 30 seconds till you either die or someone revives you (you will be left with 60% health) but if you get downed again you will die.

Inspired by Flee The Facility

Stay tuned for more news!


It might look like Pet Simulator X’s UI style. It has the tilted header text at the upper left corner and the blue tilted rectangles around all of the corners.


I personally find beveled cube pets a bit overused in simulators (though I do have to give one credit if it includes pretty original pets instead of the standard set).

It looks like the cat and dog are grey and brown like I’ve noticed they usually are. I’ve wondered this for a while so I’ll ask, are they usually colored that way just because Pet Simulator/Pet Simulator X did it?



I’m not a UI designer by any means but I am currently working on a little game. I think this is the only thing worthy of mentioning (apart from no icons, ill do them later on)