Product Viewer - View Dev Products & Gamepasses in Studio Quickly!

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What does it do?
Product Viewer allows you to quickly view developer products & gamepasses in studio. Has better filtering than the developer product page, and overall just helps speed up the process of getting product data.


It grabs gamepasses using Roproxy and developer products using GetDeveloperProductsAsync. The plugin isn’t the quickest, but that wasn’t my priority. I just wanted something to fix the issue ( described below ) I’ve been facing. So loading between gamepasses and developer products can sometimes take a few seconds, as well as filtering. Will fix it at some point in the future, but for now, it’s better than the page not working

Recently I had a bug ( and it seems a lot of people have also had this bug ) where developer products do not load on the creator hub or on the game settings; however, they still loaded using:

local developerProducts = MarketplaceService:GetDeveloperProductsAsync():GetCurrentPage()

( Other people with the same issue! )

& Plenty more people!

So, with this in mind, I created a plugin because I was too lazy to reupload my game. I was originally going to keep this to myself, but with how many people are having the same issue, Roblox still hasn’t fixed it after numerous reports I’ve decided to release it for FREE

It also solves the issue of not being able to quickly access Developer Products & Gamepasses in the studio; the only two ways are to go to settings > monetization or to the website and use the creator hub. This allows you to snap it as a widget and search for the product you need when you need it.


This plugin is a lifesaver. It’s a shame Roblox haven’t been able to fix the recent bugs in regards to monetization but this will do the trick!

This plugin is a game changer, I’m going to be using it alot.