Developer Products Page Not Loading

Reproduction Steps:
Website always fails to load already created developer products whenever visiting it.

Expected Behavior:
Website should always load already created developer products.

Actual Behavior:

Issue Area:

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Can you check again today to see if this is reproducing for you right now? We’ve had some API issues throughout the weekend, and I’m unable to reproduce as of now.

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It’s working now. Thanks!‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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Hi, I am having the same issue on this experience:

The same thing has just happened to me, I created a dev product; it said it failed to update, and then none of the developer products are now loading. All of the other games I’ve got access to load without an issue; and then in studio when trying to check through game settings, it says:

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Experiencing this issue as well. Now it’s the second time of this happening

Visiting this api page for my game shows the developer products. However at dashboard it doesnt load at all. In studio GetProductInfo throws an error (400) as well

Game: Click To Get Big Simulator - Roblox
Forced to wait for it to recover

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Hello, I am also experiencing this issue. However, the creator dashboard will always show me the first two pages of developer products but then will never show me page 3 onwards.

Try this:

The recent ones created are corrupted, and aren’t able to be prompted in-game.

Thanks a lot though

Just wanted to bump this issue, currently holding me back from releasing a game as I can’t finish it without dev products. Universe ID 5737255898

Only broken on that specific game, happened to me after creating a dev product.

Edit: Printing out product ids for the game returns a nil productId, could be the issue. Asset ID is 58471824 for the broken product.

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I was adding developer products through the website today and this problem happened. Is there any predictions to when this will be fixed?

@Bachatronic @FilteredScript @Entolecent

A fix is being rolled out for this now - was posted in another report of the same issue: