Profile Picture breaking

I’m noticing this issue a lot more and thought I’d need to make a topic about this, it may be on my end, however, I wouldn’t believe so.

I’m seeing a lot more of this:

How to find and restore broken images on the site

It’s appearing on profile pictures a lot more frequently and I need to just refresh the page to fix it. I don’t know if this is on my side, however, it seems to be happening frequently and I am wondering if the site’s database and/or performance is having issues.


It might be an issue on your end - it’s just fine for me. What browser are you using?

I’m using google chrome. This ahs happened before a few times, however, I am noticing that it’s happening a lot more and it must be happening to others.

I’m using the same browser, so maybe you have an old version? Try looking for Chrome updates. If the problem isn’t fixed after the update, or there is no update, then I have nothing else to tell you.

I’m on the most updated browser version, it might be on DevRel’s side possibly.

Sometimes this happens for game thumbnails and / or profile pictures on the website. I think it’s just an issue with connectivity, but I’m unsure.

It is probably just on your device. Have you tried another?

My wifi was fine while I was browsing, I didn’t disconnect or anything

A device doesn’t do anything, it’s the website or browser itself. I don’t think it’s on my end as it has happened before.

Well, it is working fine for me. Maybe try to change the forum’s theme? That’s sometimes the issue

My theme is the default one. It’d be kinda ironic if the default theme is the problem haha

Yes it will lol. Try it and maybe it works

Hmm, you’re on an updated version of Google Chrome, nothing is wrong for everyone else…

Try a different device, if it does that on a different your network connection isn’t stable.

If not, it’s your current device.

Maybe your router isn’t connecting to your PC correctly?
It could be just as simple as a hard-drive wearing out.


The thing is that it happens out of nowhere, and it’s uncommon. I can’t really reproduce this issue.

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It could be an issue with how his device receives data from the internet, too.

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Have you tried logging out and logging in again?