Profile Picture Bug

Hey, I started experiencing these issues whenever devforum was down and nobody profile pictures loaded, and I’m still experiencing these issues today.

I guess as reproduce steps, just login into devforum.


Recently, almost all pages have “Something went wrong here”, but they come back if you refresh the page twice or two times. Already reported on the forum.


There are already a handful of topics being made reporting parts of the Devforum breaking:

But yes, I’ve realised that some profile pictures don’t load when I preview other user’s profiles.


The bottom one is related, so I’ll delete that, but the top one, it isn’t related to my issue that is a totally opposite issue from mine.

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I think it’s just a big issue with several parts of the DevForum breaking, including the current issue you’re facing, along with the other topics I’ve linked.

We’ll just have to wait for a Roblox engineer to look into this.

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Most likely AWS server issues. I feel like the devforum has been experiencing more issues since they moved away from cloudflare.

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If you log out and then back in, does the issue resolve itself?

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No it does not resolve itself.

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