Anyone know the API of Profile Store… / how to even find the API myself?
I assume you are referring to the Datastore API? ProfileStore doesn’t use a dedicated API, and instead just uses datastores.
(Or were you referring to the reference of ProfileStore? It’s unclear from your screenshot)
bro I don’t want bots replying with useless info to me…
this has nothing to do with datastore than profile web apis.
Then what on earth are you talking about?
it is all inside that post. so a non-bot like you should look into it
The Profile Store section, whats the api of it?
that post is not even a api and some custom module that i never want
You’re wanting the API that returns the available products from the profile? Can you please link where they have the store on the profile, and I’ll investigate it
it is profile store,
it has a wiki link
in it there is API
It’s on mobile newer Profile Pages not the web version.
That’s some custom module for whatever.
The reason we were confused is because “Profile Store” (with capitalisations) is the name of a really common Datastore wrapper module
yeah tho i put “API” and a screenshot of my profile on mobile to show what im tryign to get.
i would never use that custom profile service stats module i rather make my own lol but thats not what i want
i don’t even know where you get to that screenshot from
i can go into my roblox player > … some clicks > Profile
there is no Posts nor Store in it
From my Profile on mobile app…
Mobile roblox > More > Profile
there is no such thing as Posts nor Store
> Edit Profile
no such thing
> View Full Profile
also no such thing
There is. It’s new to the mobile app. If you only use the web version, you wouldn’t know about it.
Diamond, I’m currently trying to see if I can get the menu up on my computer so I can track the network requests. Not much luck thus far though)