Prompt private server purchase

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to advertise the benefits of buying a VIP server - leading to almost no-one using it as the only place to buy a VIP server is underneath the server tab on the webpage.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I will be able to prompt users to purchase a VIP server within my game instead of forcing them to go back to the game page - leading to annoying UX.

I believe that there should be a way to prompt a purchase of a VIP server - as you can already prompt subscription purchases (recurring payments) and almost every other asset.
For example, I wanted to add a way to create a VIP server within the server browser of my game because in VIP servers you receive certain benefits - the only way to advertise these benefits currently is within the games description or forcing the user to go back to the game page to purchase a VIP server and then have to rejoin within that VIP server which causes a lot of friction and poor user experience.

A feature where you can prompt a purchase of a VIP server and then be able to view the VIP servers that a user owns so that I can list them at the top of a server browser would be extremely beneficial as I believe that most people do not utilise this feature because it is only available on the site - leading to the user forgetting about its existence.