Properties Window "Filter Properties" TextBox is focused after pressing play

Reproduction Steps

System Info

Expected Behavior

After pressing play in studio no text boxes should be focused on the play window itself

Actual Behavior

The properties textbox filter is focused requiring user to click on main game window to release focus from textbox

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly
Date Last Experienced: 2022-12-07 00:12:00 (-05:00)


I’m unfortunately not able to reproduce this on my own Mac. Did this start happening recently (i.e. past week or so)?

Separate question, does this happen when you completely reopen Studio, click Baseplate, then click Play? With nothing else in between?

In similar, for me, the explorer search bar is focused when I play test in studio and it’s bloody annoying.

example of me trying to move forward after clicking play
Windows 10 in my case

Here is a gif of me doing it on an empty baseplate. It happens on both play and stop

As far as I’m aware it started happening within the last 2 months but not certain.

had that issue for an over a week, on my asus laptop
this does not occur rn, however, it might be rare

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Half a year later this is still a bug. I have to constantly clear the Filter Properties text box every time I enter and exit test play.

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We’re tracking this bug here:


Hi! Thank you for this report! We believe we’ve fixed this bug here, in this thread. Let me know if anything is broken!

Just relaunch Studio and we’ll be good to go!

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