Proximity Prompt Pack [WIP]

Definitely using this on my games! :smiley:

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Thanks! I am sure this will help for future projects.

Wow, these stuff are so cool! Job well done.

These are absolutely incredible. Thank you. Fair play to you man! This helps me so much with improving my story driven puzzle game.

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Can you add a teleporter but teleports you into a game


Add a GUI prompt, so when you activate the Promity Prompt, it opens a UI.


This is amazing, this really make me wish to work with you.

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@PseudoPerson these are amazing and I will definitely be adding these to my game :smiley: Can you make an “E” to enter car model as well?

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Mega Reply

I sent @ScriptingIt a DM, but for anyone else wondering, the seat prompt works for any car, plane, or boat that uses a vehicle seat. Just drop the “Sit Script” into a Vehicle Seat or Seat.

I added a GUI prompt. It adds a GUI to the player’s PlayerGui for a set amount of time. I also programmed a small message example. (22)

I made a place teleporter. It teleports players to a place with a set place id. It’s in the Game Controls section.

@TrueBlueNumber2 My reply is a little late too :sweat_smile:.
I added a sound prompt. It’s in the Game Controls section.

I also added an animation prompt. (23)


BRO THESE ARE SO AMAZING!!! :smiley: Hope you add more soon!!

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Wow, thanks! That’s really cool!

I’ve looked at the UI Prompt, and was trying to set it so it would go away at a later time, but actually always got rid of itself after 10 seconds no mater what value “Time” had-

That’s to get rid of replication problems. The message is deleted by the local script on the client based on how long the text message is (~1/25 seconds per character). The message is deleted on the server after 10 seconds, which is longer than messages should be open for (probably, also note that the message being deleted will be replicated). If you put your own GUI into the prompt, it will be removed after that time.
You can remove the local script to remove tweening and the message being deleted before the time.

It’s deleted on the server after the set amount of time (which replicates). The local script deletes it on the client before that time based on how long the text is (so it can play the tween before it gets deleted by the server).

Oh, okay! Thank you for explaining.

This is amazing. I was never a good scripter and I always wanted to try these out. Do you want credit for these?

10/10, planning to use this is a project i’ve been working on.

These are absolutely fantastic resources! It would be really nice if there was handling for doors comprised of multiple parts grouped into a model.

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Oh yeah, I just remembered. Would you happen to have this effect for a normal door?

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Great! Maybe add something which makes a model swing open and close after 5 seconds (Client) to add to the pack? Could be something to add to the game teleport prompt

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@PseudoPerson so grateful that you made this :smiley: This will help tremendously in my game! I know that the models work with mobile, but do you know about Xbox, and if they don’t can you reconfigure them to work with Xbox?