Proxy buttons in Ribbon Bar broken

Proxy buttons in the RobloxStudioRibbon.xml file have been broken by today’s update.

Example of setup for a proxy button:

<addaction name="SBS.Studio Build Suite.Plugins." isProxy="true" style="textbesideicon" text="SBS" tooltip="Studio Build Suite" width="16" height="16" />

Whenever I try re-add it to my ribbon bar XML file, it makes me unable to join any place, and might close studio when I try to open a place.
I was using this feature of the ribbon bar to organize my most used plugins into the Home tab, so I could easily use them without needing to switch tab.


I don’t know what that button does, but isn’t that a custom enable? roblox’s custom api’s/buttons aren’t ment to be stable. Therfor not published to normal studio setting side.

Proxies are a hack. I’m sure they changed something while they were removing the old terrain tools from the engine.
I really think they should make this a feature, so we don’t have to make stabs at the XML to add custom things like this :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s just a way to create a button that’s linked to another button from the same or another group (Model/View/Plugins):

Works with plugin buttons, so you could add CmdUtl to the Home tab etc.

To follow up on this, I think I might know whats going on.
If your RobloxStudioRibbon file is based off of the one I made for my roblox studio mod manager, then this issue is very likely relevant to it.
I’m going to investigate further, and I’ll update you guys if I have anything.

Any word on this? Can we expect a fix for this anytime soon or will we just have to deal with this for now?

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Changing the XML files is not supported. However, we do have eventual plans to allow more customization of the ribbon bar.


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