[PSGA] Platinum Stars Gymnastics Academy | Complete Player Guide

Created 3/18/20
Last Updated: 9/18/20

This document contains information for the group and game Platinum Stars Gymnastics Academy.

Hi! Welcome to the complete user guide to Platinum Stars Gymnastics Academy.

Here’s a little bit about PSGA:

  • Established on 7/13/19.
  • We were the first gymnastics group on Roblox whose game fully supported only R15 gymnastics animations.
  • We are currently the second largest gymnastics community on Roblox!

Other Information

  • Our group hosts in CST (Central Standard Time). You’ll need to convert your time zone to get the correct time for your zone.
  • We don’t currently have a schedule for events, but we are working to find one that works for everyone.
  • We are allied with OGC since we are a part of the gymnastics community, but our requirements and rules are not the same as OGC’s.

Section 1 - PSGA Rules

Click to view Rules

Here at PSGA, we try to create a friendly environment where our players will feel safe in. First and foremost, we strictly enforce the Roblox rules which you can find a complete list here: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203313410-Roblox-Community-Rules

We take these rules very seriously and following them is non-negotiable. Anyone that attempts to bypass these rules will be punished in the form of a suspension, kick, or ban depending on the seriousness of the matter.

  • You are not allowed to teach gymnasts the requirements or host classes, leave that to the Staff Members. However, playing with a few friends as a coach and telling them to “Point their toes.”, for example, is fine.

  • Do not act as an official PSGA staff member.

  • Do not involve yourself in drama. This includes fighting, gossiping, being unfriendly, etc. We’re a family, speaking badly about one another is unacceptable.

  • Do not swear or bad-mouth in any form. This is against Roblox Community Rules and will not be tolerated.

  • Keep opinions on political or social matters to yourself. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but Roblox is not the place for those topics.

  • Do not beg for admin permissions. These are given to Staff Members only.

  • Do not ask for private tryouts, they will not be given to you unless you have purchased private time with a coach (a feature to be added soon)

  • Do not ask Staff Members to level you up if you did not pass a tryout. The ONLY way to move up a level is to pass your level tryouts.

  • Make sure to share the gymnastics equipment, there’s plenty for everyone!

  • Do not troll or disturb other players, if they are minding their own business then let them be.

  • Do not spam the chat system or the group wall, this is not tolerated and your post will be deleted. Continuing this behavior after a warning could result in a kick or ban.

  • Gymnasts can only attend one tryout per day period. Even if they did not pass. Other classes such as practices, if held more than once that day, are fine to attend more than once. Same for hosted events.

Section 2 - Gymnastics Events

Click to view Gymnastics Events

There are currently four main gymnastics events: vault, bars, beam, and floor. We’re hoping to soon include men’s events such as rings, parallel bars, mushrooms, and pommel horse. Some users that are not familiar with the apparatuses may not know which event is which, so I’ve included some pictures below.

Vault Table:

Uneven Bars:

Balance Beam:

Floor Exercise:

There are some other apparatuses in our gym that may be unfamiliar to some:


Trench Bar:

Vault Table Trainer:

Section 3 - Levels

Our levels range from Recreational [REC] to 10.

Recreational is not a part of the 1-10 team, but it is the first level where you learn the basics of gymnastics.
Levels 1-2 are considered Novice
Levels 3-5 are considered Intermediate
Levels 6-8 are considered Advanced
Levels 9-10 and higher are considered Experienced

Also, the levels are broken down in 2 ways, Levels 1-5 are called Compulsory, and levels 6-10 are called Optionals.

Compulsory levels have to do routines that have been pre-choreographed.
Optional levels have the option to make up their routines but must follow the guideline requirements.

Section 4 - Level Routine Requirements

In the gymnasium, you can find the requirements for each level in a menu on the bottom left of your screen.

I’ll soon list the requirements on this board as well so you can refer back to them easily.

Section 5 - Floor Music

Levels 1-5 do not use floor music, levels 6-10 are optional so they have the option to use music or not. You can find lots of gymnastics floor music in the Audio Library on Roblox. It cannot be longer than 1 minute and 15 seconds, but the preferred length is 1 min.

Section 6 - Deductions

The list will be added soon!

Section 7 - Types of Classes

There are 4 different types of classes that can be held, they are:

  • Recreational - This class can be taken by REC Gymnasts simply for fun or in order to be invited to the Level 1-10 competitive team (more info at the bottom)*

  • Tryouts - Attend these classes in order to level up in the game/group.

  • Practice - Attend these classes in order to get feedback on your routines and learn to do them correctly

  • Training Class - This class is kind of a fun roleplay, coaches give you drills to do and strength and conditioning as well!

For information about our programs, please visit this link:


  • How do I become a staff member?
    Join the discord to be alerted when staff applications open!

  • How do I level up?
    Attend a Recreational Class [REC] to move up to Level 1, these classes are hosted daily. After becoming a Level 1, practice the routines so you’re ready to try out for Level 2!

  • Does PSGA do competitions?
    Competitions are in the works! But eventually, yes, we will begin doing competitions. More information here: [ANN] Competitions at PSGA!