"PTA" is tagged by Roblox Studio toolbox search and shows no results on website search

The three letters, “PTA” get filtered by Roblox’s search result filter for some reason. As a result, it shows as tags on the Roblox toolbox search and shows no results for website experience search. This means that players are unable to search for our games, which have PTA in their names (see below).

As an additional note, it seems that the filter used for searches behaves differently than other filters, as “PTA” is allowed in game names (it is part of the names of our series of Roblox games), although it was originally filtering PTA in game renaming as well:

Users should be able to search for “PTA” in the website’s experience search, Roblox Studio’s toolbox search, and other locations where this is applicable.


As an example, these are some of our games:


This issue should be resolved now. Please let us know if you run into any other problems

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Thanks for the speedy resolution!

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