If ID verification is “something so optional”, then why does Roblox keep shilling it with every new feature? Personally, I don’t want Roblox — a company so notorious for their slip-ups — to have MY ID CARD, FACIAL GEOMETRY AND HOME ADDRESS. Not for one day, let alone 2 weeks, be it them or one of their buyout third parties. Even more so in this age of AI!
As for the admins, they’ve been glancing over the ID verification questions and concerns in this thread. That’s a whole other can of worms.
not sure really why people dont talk much about it but for some reason everyones too busy hung over the fact that roblox now has an option for selling data, none of them even half a clue half the apps they use day to day sell their data. but i’m sure they arent using your credentials for bad purposes
Roblox does not store the raw ID document nor the selfie data . When you scan your government-issued ID for verification, the system generates an anonymized value, which allows Roblox to safely verify your identity without risking the exposure of your identity to others.
For an out of touch company, this should mean something, yet this is flawed. Starting the fact that you need to be old enough to verify your age so you can actually access various security features and some other services, such us this one. This alone will bar some or most of my friends whom also make small but quality games. The process honestly felt invasive but I was assured that they will delete my data within a month or so. Sure, verifying your age comes with some benefits, such us the ones mentioned above, but trading my data for extra seconds of sfx audio to be sold on the marketplace is not worth it. I would justify it if it wasn’t so restrictive and also applies to music within 120 seconds at the very least. I would recall the return of the old system if it’s possible to do so. Lastly, not able to appeal a moderated audio file is absurd and can be exploited by an already faulty moderation system which already plagues the platform. Overall, I am not impressed and I want to advocate better change than this.
Many of us have been patient, but it has been over two years and our patience is starting to wane. We appreciate the increased communication and transparency but it is not enough.
Many creators (many of which I assume still do not trust the verification process or are unable to verify) have been waiting to upload Terms of Use-compliant public music and narration since the restrictions quoted below were implemented.
I think they would appreciate if Roblox found a way to get this fully re-enabled, even if they have to reupload their old audio (that they may have uploaded back when it required Robux to do so).
By ensuring public music uploaded does not violate the rules, experiences will be able to safely re-implement items like radios and boomboxes without being limited to 250 tracks from the Roblox catalog.
They’ve confirmed that if they decide you (currently) can’t distribute it publicly, you can’t appeal that decision, but if the file is moderated entirely that can still be appealed.
sadly not. for this service you have to pay a subscription to a 3rd party company. just to be able to use a sound effect in someone else’s game. we don’t even know if its the same arguably stupid requirement that the creator has to have that asset in their inventory to use it either
A staff member replied to my discussion thread confirming that this will unfortunately be the case. Because many experiences that allow users to play music may still be requiring input of a sound ID, I honestly think they should add a label for assets that require “acquisition” by the developer in order for the sound ID to work. Also, I believe each asset owned by DistroKid should give credit to the developer who uploaded it.
I am very anxious for public audio uploads regardless of length, directly through Roblox, to return.
But due to the unfortunate fact that audio which breaks the rules will occasionally slip through, at this point I actually agree with the idea of the inventory requirement for music (SFX not as much).
Instead of granting a blanket permission to all experiences, music uploaders could still share their assets with all users and at the same time creators would have control over what songs are played in their games, which means audio that violates the rules (for example) would not be played without the game creator’s knowledge. The downside to this (for players), is that playable songs on a boombox would be limited to what the game creator has allowed, and the game creator would be responsible going forward for selecting a variety of songs to make the boombox enjoyable for players.
You can already do this by slightly modifying the boombox script. This is a non-issue, see Flex Your Account Age as a good example, it implements a denylist of rule breaking audio, and while its not always up to date, it catches most of it.
every asset type will have bad actors, many games that have ways to include UGC have a method of reporting users who misuse the feature. Roblox has a very advanced audio filtering system as seen with voice chat, where it manages to hit innocent users more than missing non-innocent users. They have the tech to regulate it, with the new report system. just put up a report function that shows all audio ids that are being heard by the client, and then have a selection menu that allows you to select which one is offending.
This sound is longer than 10 seconds and contains narration, yet it says it is eligible for distribution.
I am not currently able to distribute audios because I am not ID verified, but after two and a half years I am no longer seeing the “check back later” message for assets longer than 10 seconds and am instead seeing the submit for review button for these assets.
What Roblox has done for developers and the effort with sharing public sound effects is great BUT they are also forgetting another use for audios and thats directly in game.
Whether its people using it for boomboxes or in their tycoons whether it be a theme park or a supermarket they are making or for an actual game in something like RetroStudio players are unable to use publicly distributed audios for that because there is a requirement to have it in your inventory which is a check that is only meant for using audios in Roblox Studio.
what the heck??
i just uploaded a audio file that i got it from my friend and it apporved
but when i upload audio from a yotob sound effect (if real word then i am copyright) it doesnt even say apporve i wasted my upload limit because of thi-