Public Sound Effects Upload Are Now Available for Creators

Phone verification already worked fine, it’s hard to get extra phone numbers and it’s not exactly a sensitive data point. VoIP numbers are already blocked from registering… works just as good.


How do you even get to this page? My home looks very different than the one shown on this post


Great update, so glad it came, can’t wait to see if longer lengths come

I fully support ID verification as it means there will be far less inappropriate and random audio uploads (many countries offer free or cheap id verification…)

For users asking how to do the one-off application, you can find it here:


. . . this update doesnt change anything for those who cant id verify


You’re right. It’s not our content that’s being stolen that poses an issue…

How about you try and take on the $10 billion strong Universal Music Group that sued Roblox for content in the first place?

Roblox cannot, and WILL NOT afford to get sued again. ID verification is a MUST to ensure that bad actors cannot try and repeatedly cheat the system.


It’s been way too long but glad to finally see this. Can’t wait to hear all the new SFXs people add.

And as usual people are complaining about things. I see the update as a win for smaller devs.

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Hot take: everybody should not be forced to pay the price of being stuck with this for a couple of people who want to blow out people’s eardrums in games with rap music. As I said before, phone. verification works just as good. It’s just as easy to ask a family member to see their drivers license quickly as it is to ask for their phone.

Seems more like an excuse to force this down our throats even more - it’s clear they really really want us to verify our IDs for literally everything and it’s still confusing to me.


those who cant id verify (including me) are like cursed and was kicked out from sociality


Have been looking forward to this update for a while. Seems to be having issues at the moment, though @AZKOolKAt

Edit: Disregard. This is the error message presented when an audio is over 10 seconds long. If it was changed to something like “Audios published to the Store must be under 10 seconds long at this time.” this would be much more intuitive and understandable. :thinking:

Edit #2: Disregard again. This error is showing up for audios under 10 seconds long. ?


10 assets/month for non-ID verified users? that is AWFUL

I am unable to verify my ID on roblox, why am I being punished for that? literally everything now is always just locked behind an ID barrier


I very much agree that ID verification is extremely limiting and hurts younger developers the most, but copyright law is in fact, binding to all corporations in the United States, and I’d rather have Roblox exist with ID-verification than for Roblox to be shutdown by the government.

A solution I could see being proposed would be a R$4000+ fee for uploads (beyond 10 seconds as well), but this once again harms the same group of people that ID verification currently harms.

All it takes is for a few bypass audios to slip by, and Roblox may never be able to do this again.


Having that is bare minimum imo. Why’s it not supported? There’s a system already in place for moderation appeals, albeit very bad from experience.


Will the 10s limit be adjusted (removed) eventually?


I’m guessing they don’t want another $200M lawsuit…


You can verify your phone number to get 100 per month!


I opened this excited expecting to see people be able to upload audio again

I left disappointed and my day ruined after it’s just another feature gate-kept by ID-verification


They don’t want any lawsuits, this is the only way in regarding allowing anyone including 13+ to be able to upload audios




Edit: I should clarify that the 13+ bit is perfectly reasonable. The ID bit is the problem part.


This was almost amazing, and then you ruined it with more ID verification crap.
Bad Roblox, bad!

I’m 17 btw, turning 18 later this year. This isn’t an ‘underaged feeling left out’ issue (which is entirely valid), it’s a ‘I’m not giving roblox my government ID, because yall have a poor track record’ issue.


Regarding this update: I enjoy finally audios get to be allowed to be publicly released as long as we can have longer audio lengths in the near future. As for limiting uploads I HOPE this is just for publicizing audios that require ID and NOT just by uploading audios private which us developers have always been limited to.

And make audio moderation rely on Audio rejections right on upload, instead of making it unappealable. I think it’s better to punish repeat offenders that upload audios maliciously, It’s not that hard


btw you dont really publish public sounds very often. so limited public audio uploads wouldnt be the problem

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