Purchasing In-Experience Limited Items from Resellers

I’m confused, I feel like you and I are talking about very different things XD.
I’m talking about showing a list of resellers (people who have the item listed for resale on the item’s page), not viewing actual purchase history of resales.


Something still needs to be done about the fake limiteds lol.


What does this mean? What is the non-deterministic behavior?

Also, that seems to contradict the documentation:

If prompting a purchase of a Limited item, the request must come from the server or the purchase fails.


10% to the game? it’s crazy how the source of the actual purchase gets very little to nothing for making the entire purchase a thing that actually happens. we need more fair cuts & not a 30% cut to roblox for just existing. 60% to reseller, 20% to game, 10% to creator, 10% to roblox. imo these are way more fair cuts.


Epic update, would love features letting us sell specific serials and the ability for players to set the price of a limited item in-game if the limited is associated with that place ID.
that would let developers create a full marketplace within their own experience using their own UGC items :slight_smile:


Is the 10% in-game commission currently broken for group games? I have a store game and when other players are buying the resells of the limited in the game im only making the 10% creator earnings and not the 10% seller/affiliate earnings. Is this just visual or is actually not working under group games?


I’ve noticed this as well, don’t believe the pending revenue has been going up after resales go through.


This is awesome; I hope we get the ability to trade Limited UGC In-Experince with other users too for an even more immersive economy experience


Why is there even a cut to Roblox? They literally are the robux, I don’t see the point?


So like the creator of item gets 20% or the owner of place gets 10% where item is being bought?
Kinda confusing but i wont finally see this “This item has no more copies” text.


I’m very pleased to have this ability. I come across many users with limited items that I would like to buy on-the-fly.

Is this going to eventually include limiteds uploaded by Roblox (This currently only applies to UGC limiteds.)? If so, is there a reason they weren’t included with this just yet?

I own the Flaming Hotphones, although it doesn’t state this in the in-game item viewer with this update.


Great @Roblox!

Now if only you’d explain how the whole process works…


As a game developer, but not a member of the UGC program, it’s very frustrating seeing this capability being mentioned time and again but not being able to understand how to actually use it, especially because it’s something highly desirable to make my experiences more attractive.


Glad to see this finally addressed since I noticed this extra 10% tax inconsistency a few months back and I’m glad to see that resale purchases can finally be prompted ingame Marketplace: Our Vision and Guiding Principles - #129 by underdocument


Hi! In the Inspect menu, the reseller does not have to be present in the experience.


This launch only applies to UGC Limiteds.


Thanks for flagging this. We are looking into it and will get back with an update.


I am a little confused with the wording of the post,.
In a game I am developing, I will have my own gear & weapons in-game/experience.
I want my players to only buy gear in my experience, as it carries skills etc that benefit them.
Naturally I want them to focus on ONLY my gear, with their robux, and not waste it on gear that has nothing to do with my experience.

I don’t care that I won’t be earning a 10% cut off someone else’s clothing.
I do care about distractions in my experience.

So the question is… can I OPT OUT from it appearing in my experience ?
Is it only for reselling of gear bought in an experience… and reselling it within that same experience ?

Apologies as I’m trying to figure this out.


Sorry, I don’t think I understand the wording very well. If it’s only through the inspect menu, then wouldn’t the reseller have to be present to bring that menu up in the first place?

I guess I’m more asking if it’s possible to buy the cheapest resale listing by just prompting purchase on a limited item that has run out of its original quantity.


No worries, I should’ve been more specific!

This feature introduces the ability for users to purchase resale quantities in-experience. Previously, if you inspected another person’s Avatar (not necessarily the reseller) and saw a Limited item that you’d like to buy, there wasn’t an option to purchase resale quantities even if they were available. Now, if there are resale quantities available, a user could purchase them through this inspect menu.

Prompted purchase of UGC Limiteds will behave like you described. If you prompted a purchase of a UGC Limited that ran out of its original quantity, the user will be prompted with the cheapest resale listing.


Don’t get me wrong. This is a good feature with good intentions and great uses but I’ll feel sorry for a random creator who get’s paid %50 less compared to what they should have because some random person brought the resale from some random game for the owner of that game to take some of the original creators money. It’s great but could be less so if to many experience creators start doing this and badly affecting UGC creators profits