I have created a Titlescreen for my game, Aftermath:
The goal is to try to create a polished titlescreen that would be comparable to a high end game off the Roblox platform. A nice QOL feature that I enjoy from most steam games is the ability to open up a chat with one of my friends. With this feature implemented, I can create a slightly better experience to the players playing the game, by integrating it more seamlessly with Roblox.
I would want it designed such that I can invoke a function in SocialService to open the party chat window, pre-opened on one of my friends, whos userid I specify. This would (NOT) allow me, the developer, to forcefully send messages, but rather simply just open the UI as such:
I envision an API such as:
local SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")
local friend_user_id = 123456
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
if ( SocialService:CanSendPartyChatAsync(player) ) then
SocialService:PromptPartyChat(player, friend_user_id)