Quest AI - New Version (Searching for bugs to fix)

Not to complain but WHAT TYPE OF ANSWER IS THIS

I said hi. And it says “I’m your friend and can’t to not be”.

Firstly, I didn’t talk about being friends and secondly the “I can’t to not be” part makes no sense whatsoever.


It’s a step up from it using UD like last time.


Dude, I am tired of this, you have a history of making low-effort models on Roblox and I don’t even think this is real, you’re just making it say the first search result from Google. It’s not even a real AI.


Mate, you actually have to stop this. You have a history of making low effort, absolutely garbage models. Every single time you come out with one of these new “community resources” it gets absolutely slammed by the community, yet you still continue to make more.

You are being slammed by the community for a reason. As I stated in another post on one of your “resources”, I think its great that you are extending yourself and learning new areas of roblox scripting that you otherwise would not have but marketing them as community resource is a step in the wrong direction.

Please take the time to put effort into your work before posting it on the devforum or the community will continue to slam your models, further ruining your already crumbling reputation.


are you sure he’s actually using the api and not just hardcoding the definitions into the script? :rofl:
there’s nothing “intelligent” about this ai

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Clicked on this expecting an intriguing new AI-on-Roblox system, but instead was met with another low-quality post. Since this is #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback and not #resources, I’ll leave some (constructive) criticism here:

  • Use the Roblox filter or risk your account being terminated
  • Fix its grammar and spelling, it looks extremely unprofessional in its current state
  • Rework the UI, it’s almost a strain on the eyes to look at
  • I obviously don’t have access to the inner workings of this, but unless you’re using a legitimate AI chatbot API, the time to render a response should not be that long
  • Adding onto the point above: if you aren’t using a legitimate AI’s API, how exactly is this AI then? I highly doubt you trained your own ChatGPT replica.
  • Don’t charge any Robux for such a simple and illegitimate product, it’ll only rile up the community

Regarding the chain of replies that have amassed since OP posted this, while I agree the quality of OP’s posts is questionable at best, personally attacking OP isn’t necessary and is just going to trigger further off-topic debate. The fewer who reply, the less this is likely to be bumped up on the active topics list.

TL;DR: @OP, fix your product.

local fakeAnswers = {
 ['roblox studio quest ai'] = 'Blah blah blah, some non sense stuff'

if fakeAnswers[request] then return fakeAnswers[request] end

If you want to prove anything, show us the API part. My post is already explaining it clear enough that you are just using wikipedia search.


Can you actually take feedback for once… stop acting like you’re the king of Lua


Not to be rude but like @absentdenik said,

Please show us the API and code you used if you want to even begin to think about us believing you.

Why would I use this over a google search?

OMG! This AI is so advanced and so human-like it’s like a real human! I’ll be using this AMAZINGLY SMART, GROUNDBREAKING AI from now on!

OpenAI should hire you cuz Quest AI is 100 times better than ChatGPT!

(if you didn’t already guess this is more sarcastic then ever)

He doesn’t even think about taking in what I said here


This made me laugh so badly

“Girlfriend wants REVENGE on her cheating boyfriend”

it sounds like average video on that one orange website

its not just orange website it could also be some clickbait video on youtube



I have tested the game, it is definitely not AI, AI learns from User input, yours doesn’t, instead you manually have to add the inputs in yourself, AI such as ChatGPT Definitely overpass your AI, i would recommend allowing the robot to learn from its mistake and take in useful information and store it in a datastore to be used for later but usually users could allow the robot to say inapropriate stuff, you can figure that out yourself since i don’t work on AI, but i would rate this AI 1 star.

That is totally incorrect, research what AI is before you start spreading misinformation.

Also, please don’t take this as defending WHYI_MFAT.

Although it is not AI, not every AI learns from user input, and not everything to be considered an AI system has to learn from user input. Also, what do you mean you “have to put the inputs in yourself?” What inputs? Where?

While this is true, don’t compare systems created by major corporations with billions to spend in a lab to systems created by small creators, or in this case dumb, small creators who don’t know at all what they’re doing.

What mistakes? How will the “AI” “system” know it has made a mistake? And what information should it store?

“I don’t know anything at all about AI yet I’m going to spread misinformation and tell other people what to do because I’m special and smart” → :nerd_face:

“AI such as ChatGPT Definitely overpass your AI”, true and i do agree, i shouldn’t have compared a company such as OpenAI to an AI Created by only one person whilst OpenAI’s ChatGPT was trained using 600M US Dollars, i do apologise for spreading misleading information, I will do more research when posting misleading information.

I was trying to beam the IP address of whatever proxy server this guy is using (fun fact: if you enter a site address it will just return text on the site [most IP websites like don’t work for some reason?]) for “Quest AI” and got this response one time.


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