Questions about GFX

  1. Glow effect you can open properties of the model image and try to found out the glow effect just tick
  2. It’s better you import it from roblox but if you want to use real image just try find it on google and HD or 4K resolution
  3. You can import it like how you import the character to blender (background)
  4. It’s better you just have an idea and maybe try asking your friends if you don’t any type of ideas.
  5. It’s better to use eevee than cycles, most of gfx designer are using eevee as render engine right now. If you better and have a good knowledge you can keep use cycles as render engine.

Thank you for the feedback! I love it! Well, I mean I cant even build that well, and I can’t really think of like you know what would match like, Ive taken some inspiration, people have somehow literally made a helicopter background with grass in the background for a military gfx. I cant understand how to they made that and found those models, I literally can’t find those, even if I try. One more problem, is what character should I use? Meaning, For that gfx, I used my avatar, I dont really know what avatar to use, for gfx’s. I know how to make military gfx avatars but not like you know other gfx’s

That was my first cycles design but, I don’t really know how to use eevee, when I tried using it, literally the lighting is trash, even if I add a HDRI.To be honest, thanks for the suggestion, for my next gfx, Ill try use your feedback and use eevee and cycles and find which one is better.

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Caul can I give you the youtuber that better you can try follow them. I’ll put the link of the video

Sure you can put the link of the video! Also, If i kinda sound dumb, well I’m just a begineer, but pretty good at ui, I wanted to expand my self so i started doing gfx too. Imma do UI tomorrow but yeah you can put the link

Use this as it is really easy.

Also, if you are looking to, at first, make the background transparent after blender render, do this; (I think it works in 2.8)

click this icon on the properties tab on the bottom right:

Then, it should be this,

scroll to
FiLm BuTtOn
and press the arrow.

so that there is a tick and the background of your render will be transparent.

Hope this helps!


Cycles is better and more accurate than eevee as it’s ray tracing where eevee is rasterizing (Needing to manually bake lighting and reflections). Eevee is normally used for people with low end computers or animations as it’s quick to render out in real-time.

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I wouldn’t say that Eevee is meant to be used on lower-end hardware. Eevee is a real-time renderer, which means that the rendered preview will match what you see in the final render. It’s useful for quick iteration on a scene. Cycle is more physically accurate. You could use Eevee for previewing the scene, and Cycles in the final render.

Both are good options. It’s a trade-off in render time (eevee is near instantaneous but won’t get the most accurate results). If you can enable GPU rendering in Cycles you can get a notable speedup in render times, especially if your GPU has dedicated raytracing hardware. Keep in mind that the quality depends on the number of samples, which is why the denoiser exists in the first place. 1 ray per pixel is not enough to get a smooth, noiseless result. The more samples you take, the more information you get and thus, more detail.

I have to disagree! Cycles is much better at rendering, as long as you use the denoise option.

You should also do a transparent background, that way you can add any background you’d like afterwords in Photo Shop.

You hit the nail on the head. :+1:

stop having a black background. stop having super bright lighting. stop having weird legs. also your posing stlye is weird, and i dont know what this is supposed to depict. gfx is supposed to MEAN something.

just make your own, or import one from roblox studio, or search for a 3d model.

you should really make your own depending on the scene, unless ur doing comissions and they GIVE you a map.

also worlds shouldnt just end.

Screen Shot 2021-09-25 at 9.15.34 AM
click that
Screen Shot 2021-09-25 at 9.15.14 AM
then that
Screen Shot 2021-09-25 at 9.15.23 AM
now this

then put your backgrounds in photoshop. but make sure to have your foreground background some of it rendered.

I said who normally uses it, which is people with lower end devices or people who make animations. There’s not a need to use eevee unless it’s for lighter setups where it won’t be much of a difference needed to switch.You have to fake and be hacky in eevee when wanting to achieve better quality shadows and reflections.When you have a decent pc that can render most typical scenes in under 30 minutes to and hour in cycles it’s way better to just use cycles.I never said eevee is meant for just low end devices and yes you can use eevee for previewing (even though blender by default uses eevee for material view so you don’t need to switch)

This is false, it’s the other way around, for multiple reasons:

  • Noise is a common issue within Eevee and this engine isn’t able to pick it up as well as Cycles can do, Cycles can easily detect this a whole lot better and easily rid of it.
  • HDRI’s aren’t as effective within Eevee as they are with Cycles, as they provide more detail.
  • Eevee is way better for low-poly renders, while Cycles is meant for a more realistic and better tone towards your images.
  • While Eevee can render x12 faster then what Cycles can, it doesn’t provide the key-details that are needed for photo-realism.

To give you a better example of the capabilities between the two, here are two renders, one is Eevee and one is Cycles:



This is simply due to the fact that most Developers use Eevee since it’s an easier software, while Cycles is a lot more complex and is more demanding for higher specs. Eevee is better for those who don’t have great specs on their PC, or are pure beginners.

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My mistake I didn’t mean to come across like that. I just wanted to expand the other use cases, you’re absolutely right though.

  • How to make a glow effect?

You are able to turn parts into Emission’s within blender within the sharers tab, which allows your parts to emit a glow. If you’re looking to create a glow after the render, has a glow feature, which can be found in Effects > Photo > Glow

If however you use Photoshop, you can also replicate a glow by doing Layer > Layer Style > Style Settings > Glow

  • How to find a good background?

This honestly depends on what kind of design your client is looking for. Personally what I do is import the background of their game into blender, re-texture it manually in blender, and render it in blender. It gives a more realistic render and makes your Graphic Designs look much better.

Example of Roblox Parts in Blender as a background

If you would like to figure out how to utilise Roblox parts into blender, and texturing them as Roblox Textures, check this post out.

  • How to use a background and import it into blender, and literally just make the character like in the background.

Answered Above

  • How to think about what gfx to make?

This depends on your client. It is up to them on how they want it to be designed, and you should really take into account what kind of design they are looking for, and keeping them updated on the design to ensure that the design they are looking for, is what they want for their game.

  • I used cycles. Is cycles a good render engine to use cuz It only took like 15 minutes to render?

Yes. Depending on your settings, Cycles is the current dominating rendering for Graphic Design on Roblox. It does take time since it is a demanding rendering engine, but it is well worth the time as you can get some really high quality renders from it.

Here’s a recent concept art I did on Cycles, which shows the abilities of it:

Hope this helps.

Yep, it’s the best render engine to do GFXs with (given you can’t afford octane or other render engines). Here are some recent GFXs I made (in cycles)

What is a good sample amount? I usally use like 150 samples, but some people say that’s too low. I want a good sample amount for viewport and rendering.

Well, I render at 30-60 samples and denoise, it’s very fast and doesn’t take up too much processing power.

Hope this video helps^

  1. How to make a glow effect? This is how to make a glow effect in Blender 2.9.3 (cause im bad at photoshop so i have no idea how to do it in photoshop) : Select the mesh you want to give a glow effect. go to material properties and change the surface to Emission and set the Color and Strength to whatever you want. If you use Eevee you can simply go to Render Properties and Activate Bloom Option. If you use Cycles, go to Compositing Tab [if there is no Compositing Tab, you can add it by clicking the + button on the top and add Compositing] and Activate Use Nodes and Backdrop then add Glare Node by clicking Shift + A and then connect Render Layers image to Glare image and connect Glare image to Composite Image.Change Streaks to Fog Glow and change the Medium to High. From here u can mess around with Mix, Threshold, and Size [The lower your Threshold = the more bloom effect u get]. Also if you want to see the result in compositing tab, add a Viewer Node [Shift + A] and then connect Glare image to Viewer image (You have to render first to see the result in compositing tab).
Glow Effect with Eevee

Glow Effect with Cycles

The Difference between using Bloom and not using Bloom

  1. How to find a good background? To find a good background you can look at other People gfx as a reference or simply search it on google

  2. How to use a background and import it into blender, and literally just make the character like in the background? I suggest to make your own background or at least the ground but if you want to import a mesh, click File on the top left and select Import > Obj or FBX and select the file. I dont recommend using an image but if you want you can enable addons Import Images as a Planes. Click Edit on the top left and click Preferences > Add-ons and search for Import Images As a Planes and activate it and then to add the image click Shift + A and select Image > Images as a Planes. And to make it look 3d, you can extrude it in Edit Mode.

  3. How to think about what gfx to make? same like number 2, you can look at other People gfx for a reference or search it on google

I Hope this help. (sorry for my bad english :D)

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Hello! I have a few tips/solutions that could help!

Glow Effect

A method I use to make a good glow effect (though it might seem tedious) is to paint on highlights/glows in photoshop with a soft brush (0% hardness, around 10%-30% flow). It’s time-consuming, but it’s worth it.
To do so effectively, find the light source(s) of your background and try your best to match the color of the lighting. Use a clipping mask to draw highlights onto the character, and create a separate layer under the character to draw a faint glow.
These are some results that I have gotten painting my highlights:

gryffindor re-make

Finding a Good Background

I typically get all of my backgrounds from Unsplash or Google. Another good place to get backgrounds from (although they have subscriptions that cost money) is Envato Elements.

Blending the Background & Character

I don’t use Blender, and I have no idea how to use it (I use Cinema 4D instead), but I do know how to take a background image and blend in a character to make it look as if it was rendered.
As I mentioned above, I paint on my highlights; but I also paint on shadows. I draw shadows underneath the character and other places where I think shadows should be cast. I use an oval-shaped brush with 0% hardness and around 10%-30% flow for shadows beneath a character.
To match the character to the background, I try to look at the general lighting/color of the image. I take a similar color and use a hue/saturation layer and clip it over the character and turn the transparency down until it matches. It takes a lot of time, but it’s worth it, and you will eventually get a good product in the end.

And finally,

GFX Ideas

When I make a GFX, I like to think of popular movies and try to recreate them as art in Roblox, or I think of movies I like and recreate scenes from them. Another way to gain ideas is to gain inspiration from other artists. (Although, you should never directly copy another one’s work.) You could also start commissions, which will give you something new and something fun to try.

Hope this helped! :smile: