How would I be able to export Roblox textures into blender?

When I’m doing my GFX, I’ve lately been getting more requests of having a part of their game imported into blender, however I always face an issue with one thing: TEXTURES.

When I export any kind of build as a .obj file, I cannot stress the amount of re-texturing I have to do to gain roblox’s textures inside of blender, and I get annoyed when I have to do this because this done take up A LOT of time.

For example:

I am trying to gain the brick texture of the building, but I cannot get those textures because it’s not an actual texture, instead it’s a setting configured in the part

This issue can be resolved when I add a texture object, however I am unable to get Roblox’s textures into an image correctly, which is why I’m trying to find another method

This is what it would look like textured when I simply just put it into blender

Please keep noted that I am currently using Blender 2.79 as I’m not a fan of Blender 2.8’s interface

Now method’s I tried was trying to get Roblox textures from a post Younite made, however the way he scaled them makes the texture too small and when I tried re-sizing it, it caused a mess. It would take me hours just to try and paste every single texture in a part. I also looked all over YouTube for any guides, but the only ones I could get was how to export it from Blender to Roblox, which I’m trying to look for a Roblox to Blender video.

The closest I ever got was when a user was able to get a texture of a tree imported to blender, but they never showed a guide on how they really did it, they just proceeded to make a GFX started on blender, which really annoyed me.

I did also look all over the forums to see if anyone had a similar situation, and found nothing mathing this issue I have.

Please, if anyone has a solution to this, post it, this is a struggle I have constintly.


There’s currently no way to do this natively, nor through Blender or Studio plugins. The next best thing you can do is utilize @maplestick’s Blender Material Essentials and apply the pre-made materials manually to your models. Material Essentials would be ideal for your case since you’re using Blender 2.79, and applying the materials to the models with the pack and adjusting mapping where needed is far and away faster than manually mapping them yourself.


Guess I’ll make do with this, thank you.

EDIT: Tried it out, works out. Thanks for this, does make my life 100% easier.

Hi, I have maplestick’s Material essentials as well, but don’t know how to use it. I’ve placed it into the node editor, although where am I supposed to connect it to?

For each object you want to apply the Roblox materials to, you can either copy and paste the nodes into a new material on the object, or apply the existing materials to it. All you need for each object is the material node run through a material output node and it will display on the object.

How do you use it? There’s no tutorial on how to use it, do I put it in Blender or Studio?

It’s a .blend file, so you would open it in blender—you can then apply any of the materials included in the file to objects in your scene in blender

What I do is append it to Blender, then take the texture from the node and apply the new texture on the texture you are trying to change.