Not really a Community Resource worthy piece of script here, but I think it could be helpful to many at this time:
I’m sure there is a plugin to easily replace sound instance id’s in the workspace, serverstorage, and replicatedstorage, or a better way to do it, but for anyone that just wants to run a quick script this will work:
local soundToReplace = 123456789
local newsoundID = 987654321
newsoundID = "rbxassetid://"..newsoundID
soundToReplace = "rbxassetid://"..soundToReplace
print("replacing oldsound:", soundToReplace, "with newsound:", newsoundID)
function replaceSound(path)
for _, child in ipairs(path:GetDescendants()) do
if child:IsA("Sound") and child.SoundId == soundToReplace then
print("replaced sound", child.Name)
child.SoundId = newsoundID
test run output:
13:59:11.925 ▼ replaced sound Explosion (x18) - Edit
13:59:11.925 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.925 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.925 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.925 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.926 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.926 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.926 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.931 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.932 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.932 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.932 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.932 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.932 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.933 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.933 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.933 replaced sound Explosion
13:59:11.933 replaced sound Explosion
If you only have a handful to replace clicking and pasting is fine, but if you have a hundred… not so much.
I just used this by pasting into the console command bar.