I have no children, that’s not the issue. The scrollbar doesn’t go to the end of it’s frame.
What is the UIListLayouts absolute content size?
Has nothing to do with the children. Look at the image, the size of the frame ( light blue rectangle outline), and the fact that the scrollbar doesn’t go to the end of it. Make your own scrollable frame and you will see when you go to the bottom of the canvas.
I am not experiencing this issue in my place.
Would you be able to provide a place file?
I think you should post another thread to fix your question, there are not alot of people here who might fix your issue. I think this can help you:
You might not understand, what i mean is that you can set your ScrollingFrame’s ClipDescendants to false, and put another frame that will have ClipDescendants to true (The red frame and that will be the limit of the friend tiers and set the limit frame in a size in a moment where you can’t see the friend button tier. I hope this helps you

The issue is that the default scroll frame does not scroll all the way to the end of it’s size. Is it a Roblox bug? Look at video below. The scrollbar doesn’t reach the bottom. It leaves a gap of the scrollbar’s width x 2. So a 24 pixel offset from the bottom for the default scrollbar width of 12.
Here is a quick example I made, just simply copy / delete the frame to get it to update. The bar not hitting the bottom is a visual bug I believe.
scrollframeexample.rbxl (21.5 KB)
Worth noting that AbsoluteContentSize
is a property of constraints like UIListLayout, not a property of ScrollingFrames themselves. I got to this thread by searching for an easy way to scale the canvas size of ScrollingFrames and this confused me!
For the past few years i’ve been using a UIAspectRatio constraint parented to a UIGridLayout constraint and using scale on the cells has worked fine for me.
Blockquote “The issue is that the default scroll frame does not scroll all the way to the end of it’s size. Is it a Roblox bug?”
Quick Fix: If you want the Y scrolling bar to go all the way down, just change the Scrolling Direction to Y instead of XY.
Explanation: To respond to Blue101black 's issue: this is not a Roblox bug. The Scrolling Frame’s Bar does not go all the way down because of the default value set to ScrollingDirection inside of the Scrolling Frame’s Scrolling section; when the ScrollingDirection is set to XY there will be a pre-assigned spot for the ‘X’ scrolling bar, however, it does not appear because the default CanvasSize is {0, 0},{2, 0}. As the X values are 0 and 0, there is no reason to have an X scrolling bar because there is no space for anything there (I am not sure if the bar is just too small to see, or when the values are so low it just does not render in.) If you were to create a default Scrolling Frame and just change the CanvasSize to {2, 0},{2, 0} then you will see a space for the X scrolling bar.
Did you assign the variable outside of the function, or connect function
if you did do that, you need to reassign the variable inside the function.
The issue is you’re not taking into consideration the padding between frames. I just encountered this issue, so sure you take this into consideration when using a UIListLayout, UIGridLayout, etc.
CanvasSize = Udim2.new(0, 0, 0, FrameSize * #Frames + (Padding * (#Frames - 1)))
This still doesn’t fix the cutting issue when scrolling down.
It was a Roblox bug, and they have since addressed the issue.
Unsure what’s going on here, might need somebody to dumb it down for me.
I’ve double checked my sizes and changed all the sizes to offset following the 2 steps given
But the canvas still fails increase it’s size when there becomes more children inside the scrolling frame
I’ve put this script into the scrolling frame
local sFrame = script.Parent
local ListLayout = sFrame.UIGridLayout.AbsoluteContentSize
if sFrame.ChildAdded then
local GenList = function(items)
sFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0,ListLayout.X,0,ListLayout.Y)
another question, how would I make the GUI more mobile friendly? I noticed that the GUI has became too large for smaller screens, now that I’m no longer using scale.
What is the scale of your UI buttons?
another question, how would I make the GUI more mobile friendly? I noticed that the GUI has became too large for smaller screens, now that I’m no longer using scale.
Use UISizeConstraints and UIAspectRatios.
The buttons are 100x100 using CellSize inside of UIGridLayout
You aren’t updating the list. ChildAdded is function, not a property. Use Layout:GetPropertyChangedSignal(“AbsoluteContentSize”)
Changed it up a bit,
local sFrame = script.Parent
local GirdLayout = sFrame.UIGridLayout
sFrame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0,GirdLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.X,0,GirdLayout.AbsoluteContentSize.Y)
same problem but this time I don’t have a scroll bar anymore, I saw that my canvas size was
(0,100)(1,100) changed the 1 value to 0