QuickScript - enhance your coding (TEMPORAILY FREE!)

Way better.

Still 20$ is still a lot for this, personal opinion

Ngl, UI kinda looks like those of executors.

I understand that, but the plugin is unique in the marketplace and I spent a minute optimizing it, I’m also willing to update it daily so yeah. It’s probably going to be like 9 dollars after taxes.

Yep, it looks similar as it’s “scripting tools”. Just felt like it looks good.

Simply state in the post that its a paid plugin. saves time yk


A new feature is coming soon too the plugin!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed frame hovering.
  • Fixed shortcuts popping up randomly
  • Data now saves separately for each game


  • The price has now decreased by half TEMPORAILY to 10 USD.

The plugin is now TEMPORARILY FREE!!

Holy :poop: this actually looks useful. Definitely would save much of my time on writing out services.

Indeed, not only services you can save time and type custom scripts. It’s hard to read as the UI is small but I will surely make a frame to view the shortcut when hovering it.

If you guys have any suggestions for features to add, that would me amazing.

The plugin will be paid soon, get it while you can!

I mean, if you’re searching for this for free, VSCode has it and you can make your own code snippets, I really don’t get why Roblox developers rather use a paid plugin than the features available on Visual Studio Code, for free. As in, honestly!

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Visual Studio code doesn’t have these features, I created custom auto completed and prefixes. VSC has LSP and same features as Roblox’s code editor, so it doesn’t differ. As for why it’s getting paid, because it’s not charity work and I spent time scripting it. Include that I will update it daily.

Remember, VSCode plugins also exist. Anyways I personally dont really think its worth it to use your plugin, because its just genuinely better & easier to use ExeStack a FREE plugin with a lot more features than just snippets & an actually good non cluttered dev-friendly UI.


VScode is a whole different platform, who would use it for just code snippets?
I don’t know how is that relevant but, ExeStack is a different plugin, what’s so crazy about it? Our plugins are completely different?
I would appreciate it if you give me actual suggestions instead of nonsense. You also quoted a ‘cluttered UI’, how so? How can I improve it?

Sorry, but i am NOT here to give feedback.

I myself used vscode for a bit. Not just for snippets, but generally for developing private plugins for myself. The reason i said vscode plugins exist is because i misunderstood your wording lol.

Anyways like i said, ExeStack is FREE and it has snippets along with many other features. I simply pointed out that it does, in fact have snippets & that i use it just for snippets daily. I know the plugins are completely different, im just trying to explain how its not worth paying for your plugin.

VSCode has these features and more. I update other of my projects daily as well, yet they’re free. I don’t think I should be paying for something that its efforts are, at best, medium or nonexistant, more when they’re free plugins, which’s source code is practically public if you look well enough, and something that can be achieved by something that isn’t even competition, and literally just ravages you through the field. You cannot compare “QuickScript” to Visual Studio Code.

As another user pointed out Exestack | Code executor, snippets, and more scripting utilities! is also a free alternative to your plugin which appears to do more than yours. That aside it is far better to get down the ego a bit, you made a post about a project, and if the project, although has its uses, doesn’t look good to others, too bad, deal with it and improve it, I myself with my projects do the same, you need to lower the bubbles and get it cookin’ as you should, you call everything we are telling you “Nonsense” and you want feedback, that is the feedback. Stop saying we are yapping, and get to work on fixing your stuff, QuickScript is NOT worth the money. At all, ExeStack or VSCode better by far.

Turn off your copium inhaler, and begin cooking again.


Remember! You can always use notepad.exe with a single .txt file to get the same experience as using QuickScript!


My plugin is not paid and if you’re not here to give feedbacks, are you here to just prevent people from using my plugin?