QuickScript - enhance your coding (TEMPORAILY FREE!)

If the temporaily free is anything to go by it is not going to be free.

You’re not listening, I always pointed out that I will be adding features and accepting suggestions. I can’t “improve” the plugin if all you say is “Exestack is better than yours”, your plugin isn’t worth it

That’s a serious accusation over there

If I say X is better than Y, and it is free, perhaps you should improve it to the point that buying X is better than doing Y. Accepting features when we are directly telling you its lacking them, and pointing you to something that you can get inspiration from and improve the existing implementations of is quite obvious what we’re saying.

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Sure, heres some feedback. Make this more than a macro, check out the way ExeStack did it.
It would be a lot more useful if it wasnt just a copy and paste database.

What’s lacking…? My plugin is basically LSP with snippets and auto completion features, exestack is like inCommand, it’s a compiler?

Thanks, that’s much better. Now I can actually search out what do I have to do, although it was intentional I don’t make similar features to exestack

This is just autocode but worse.

It also is horribly coded, take a look at the plugin’s source code for yourself

(With BTRoblox on the webpage or by executing a code snippet in the cmdbar in studio)

The coding isn’t really that bad anyway, there are worse options out there regardless.

How so? If you’re comparing it with autocode I have all the time and I can point out every single mistake in auto code.

Think of features that a developer may need or something they found annoying. You could, for all you want, make an entire UI which literally just helps you define types and include the definitions with a snippet or something for strict luau, for example.

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You’re not the one listening! :grinning:

Please READ the ExeStack post and you’ll find exactly how the snippets work.

Again that’s not my case here, if you dislike my plugin (either the source code, functionality or features) I would appreciate if your criticism be more specific and I would gladly improve it

Yeah that’s a great idea, I will be working on it

I would like to humbly dumbly ask you to stop the yap.

We are explaining to you in DETAIL how to improve it.

However, if you’d still like even more detail, heres something chatgpt wrote:

To improve QuickScript, several enhancements could be implemented to bring it closer to the flexibility and power of tools like ExeStack. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Support for Snippets with Placeholders

One major improvement would be adding customizable code snippets with placeholders. Instead of just autocompleting simple syntax, QuickScript could allow users to define reusable templates with placeholders like ${var}. This would enable users to quickly insert and fill out repetitive code blocks, similar to how ExeStack does with class structures or service setup.

2. Customizable Snippet Library

QuickScript could allow users to create and manage their own snippet library. This would empower developers to store and access frequently used code blocks, giving them the ability to reuse complex logic across different projects, improving productivity.

3. Integration with Game-Specific Contexts

While QuickScript currently saves data separately for each game, it could go a step further by offering contextual suggestions based on the specific services and objects used in the game. For example, it could automatically suggest relevant snippets based on the type of game (e.g., whether it’s a combat game or a tycoon). This would streamline development by providing more relevant suggestions in different environments.

4. Dynamic Code Generation

Implementing a more powerful dynamic code generation system would allow QuickScript to generate not just simple autocompletions, but larger, more structured code blocks. For example, generating full class definitions, service management, or complex UI handling code with a single trigger.

5. User Interface Enhancements for Snippets

To improve user experience, QuickScript could benefit from a dedicated UI for managing snippets and templates. This UI could allow users to easily create, edit, and share their own code snippets within the plugin, rather than relying solely on predefined autocompletions.

6. Version Control for Snippets

QuickScript could implement version control for snippets and templates, allowing developers to track changes and revert to previous versions. This would be particularly useful when working on large-scale projects where code structure may evolve over time.

7. Better Integration with External Libraries

QuickScript could improve by integrating better with external libraries and packages. By allowing users to directly import, use, and suggest snippets from popular libraries or community-made packages, it would enrich the development experience and provide more comprehensive autocomplete suggestions.

8. Advanced Shortcut Customization

While QuickScript already allows prefix customization, it could provide more advanced shortcut configurations. This would include setting up custom triggers for specific tasks, defining complex workflows, and linking those shortcuts to snippets, making the development process even faster.

By incorporating these features, QuickScript could significantly enhance its utility for Roblox developers, giving it more depth and versatility similar to tools like ExeStack, while retaining its original simplicity and accessibility.

For code review; becuase why not?

Why does your plugin use DataStores? That makes the configurations work in a per-game basis, this could be improved by searching other solutions NOT dependant on DataStores.

You’re requiring unnecessary services, and that aside, you have an entire wrapper for pcall… when the function does the exact same as a pcall with a warning practically, which if anything makes debugging more annoying.

Then another thing, mostly just additional, is really an entire module script required for keeping these strings?

As for saving data WITHOUT using DataStore, you can look into the Plugin global for this.
Plugin | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

And that concludes 5 minutes of reviewing in light mode, beware with the demons at night.

Using datastores was intentional as I stated “data now saves separately for each game”, it wasn’t like that before.

If you mean Tweenservice I must’ve forgotten to remove it.

I made pcall like that for other purposes not just printing a warning.

For the strings, I need it in a module script because I was planning on adding 2-3 more features (the UI has a button “feature” which I was developing but got busy so I paused it.

I hope that answers your questions

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