R-15 Mr. Roboto Clothing Templates

Recently, I got pretty fed up with the way that packages distort shirts and other clothing. I decided to undergo the painstaking operation of mapping out the edges and parts of Mr. Roboto, my favorite package. Because its modern, I also decided that it needed to be done in R-15.
I improved upon BenIsLegit’s Template for R-15 clothes.

This project took all day, and isnt even that good due to the way (of what I assume) the UVs of Roboto work. In short- its not perfect at all. Edit: Pants added.

Like Ben’s template, its all colorcoded and has a new gray area where for the joints. The greyed areas on the torso are where the robobelly is. The grey areas get a little funny on the flat surfaces of the arms and shoulders. I dont know how to work around it, but i think the last 3 pixels determine the color.
Also like Ben’s-
The purple lines indicate where the faces begin to merge, and the dark purple indicates where its not pixel perfect. In most cases, you must fill the uppermost lines with the color/pattern you want.

Take note on the legs, as the upper blue areas have cyan. I cannot control the UV stretching easily, so you may need some creativity.

Since working with this template is an absolute pain ([Iv already made a shirt with it] (R.3.T.R.O B.O.T (Retro bot) Shirt - Roblox)) (And pants!)
you can use this image too, and overlay it over Ben’s template in photoshop or whatever you use.

If you would like a copy of the actual 3D model to use as a reference, use this link:

Will I make pants for this? Maybe someday. (Edit: I did a few hours later) If you have any suggestions, or questions, let me know. This was a lot of work, so I’ll see it later.

I hope to see some cool outfits made with this!

Edit: I forgot
Here is it in shirt form
Pants in pants form
And here is the texture on Roblox