You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
- Simple, I want to make it not interfere with the animation
2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
- Here’s the video showing the Inverse Kinematics interfere with the animation
3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
- Yes, I have but yet nothing helped me, I also tried using C1 as I heard animations don’t often use it, even Transform but it did not work at all.
I literally want it to not interfere with the animation, I’d have to make the arm transparent to not make it look weird.
credits to R6 Inverse Kinematics
local function SolveArmIK(originCFF, targetPos, l1, l2, C1Off, Side : "Left" | "Right")
-- build intial values for solving
local originCF
if Side == "Left" then
originCF = originCFF*,0,C1Off.X)
elseif Side == "Right" then
originCF = originCFF*,0,-C1Off.X)
local localized = originCF:pointToObjectSpace(targetPos)
local localizedUnit = localized.unit
local l3 = localized.magnitude
-- build a "rolled" planeCF for a more natural arm look
local axis =, 0, -1):Cross(localizedUnit)
local angle = math.acos(-localizedUnit.Z)
local planeCF = originCF * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(axis, angle)
-- case: point is to close, unreachable
-- return: push back planeCF so the "hand" still reaches, angles fully compressed
if l3 < math.max(l2, l1) - math.min(l2, l1) then
return planeCF *, 0, math.max(l2, l1) - math.min(l2, l1) - l3), -math.pi/2, math.pi
-- case: point is to far, unreachable
-- return: for forward planeCF so the "hand" still reaches, angles fully extended
elseif l3 > l1 + l2 then
return planeCF, math.pi/2, 0, l3
-- case: point is reachable
-- return: planeCF is fine, solve the angles of the triangle
local a1 = -math.acos((-(l2 * l2) + (l1 * l1) + (l3 * l3)) / (2 * l1 * l3))
local a2 = math.acos(((l2 * l2) - (l1 * l1) + (l3 * l3)) / (2 * l2 * l3))
return planeCF, a1 + math.pi/2, a2 - a1
local function SolveLegIK(originCFF, targetPos, l1, l2, C1Off)
-- build intial values for solving
local originCF = originCFF*,0,0)
local localized = originCF:pointToObjectSpace(targetPos)
local localizedUnit = localized.unit
local l3 = localized.magnitude
-- build a "rolled" planeCF for a more natural arm look
local axis =, 0, -1):Cross(-localizedUnit)
local angle = math.acos(-localizedUnit.Z)
local planeCF = originCF * CFrame.fromAxisAngle(axis, angle):Inverse()
-- case: point is to close, unreachable
-- return: push back planeCF so the "hand" still reaches, angles fully compressed
if l3 < math.max(l2, l1) - math.min(l2, l1) then
return planeCF *, 0, math.max(l2, l1) - math.min(l2, l1) - l3), -math.pi/2, math.pi
-- case: point is to far, unreachable
-- return: for forward planeCF so the "hand" still reaches, angles fully extended
elseif l3 > l1 + l2 then
return planeCF, math.pi/2, 0, l3
-- case: point is reachable
-- return: planeCF is fine, solve the angles of the triangle
local a1 = -math.acos((-(l2 * l2) + (l1 * l1) + (l3 * l3)) / (2 * l1 * l3))
local a2 = math.acos(((l2 * l2) - (l1 * l1) + (l3 * l3)) / (2 * l2 * l3))
return planeCF, math.pi/2-a1, -(a2 - a1)
local function SolveLesIK(o,t,l0,l1) -- Does the major math calculations for IK
-- Make the position local relative to the origin
local l = o:pointToObjectSpace(t) -- World space to local space
local lu = l.Unit -- Get normalized unit for future math
local m = l.Magnitude -- Get the length from the position to the target
-- Make a CFrame pointing from the shoulder position directing to the second position
local x =,0,-1):Cross(-lu) -- Cross the forward vector with the negative of the normalized unit
local g = math.acos(-lu.Z) -- Get the arc-cosine of the negative normalized unit
local p = o*CFrame.fromAxisAngle(x,g):Inverse() -- Get the IK plane
-- In a self.RightRotationAngle-triangle, we have the hypotenuse and the two shorter legs.
-- In a self.RightRotationAngle triangle, the hypotenuse is side "c," and the legs are a and b.
-- This information will be helpful later on.
if m < math.max(l1,l0)-math.min(l1,l0) then
-- If c is between the lengths of a and b then return an offsetted plane so that one of the lengths reaches the goal,
-- but the other length is folded so it looks natural
-- This cacluation is done when a position comes before the end of the leg, and may look a bit... odd
return p*,0,math.max(l1,l0)-math.min(l1,l0)-m),-math.pi/2,math.pi
elseif m > l0+l1 then
-- If c > a + b then return flat angles and an offsetted plane which reaches its target
-- Basically, this makes the leg flat if there is nothing to place it on
return p,math.pi/2,0
-- Otherwise, use the law of cosines
-- This is going to be all cases where the leg actually bends
local a1 = -math.acos((-(l1*l1)+(l0*l0)+(m*m))/(2*l0*m))
local a2 = math.acos(((l1*l1)-(l0*l0)+(m*m))/(2*l1*m))
return p,math.pi/2-a1,-(a2-a1)
local function WorldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(motor6DJoint,worldCFrame)
local part1CF = motor6DJoint.Part1.CFrame
local part0 = motor6DJoint.Part0
local c1Store = motor6DJoint.C1
local c0Store = motor6DJoint.C0
local relativeToPart0 = part0.CFrame:inverse() * worldCFrame * c1Store
local goalC0CFrame = relativeToPart0
return goalC0CFrame
local function WorldCFrameToC1ObjectSpace(motor6DJoint,worldCFrame)
local relativeToPart0 = worldCFrame:Inverse() * motor6DJoint.Part0.CFrame * motor6DJoint.C0
local goalC0CFrame = relativeToPart0
return goalC0CFrame
local R6IK = {}
R6IK.__index = R6IK
function R6IK.New(Character)
local self = {}
self.Torso = Character.Torso
self.HumanoidRootPart = Character.HumanoidRootPart
self.LeftArm = Character["Left Arm"]
self.RightArm = Character["Right Arm"]
self.LeftLeg = Character["Left Leg"]
self.RightLeg = Character["Right Leg"]
self.Motor6Ds = {
["Left Shoulder"] = self.Torso["Left Shoulder"],
["Right Shoulder"] = self.Torso["Right Shoulder"],
["Left Hip"] = self.Torso["Left Hip"],
["Right Hip"] = self.Torso["Right Hip"],
["RootJoint"] = self.HumanoidRootPart["RootJoint"]
self.C0s = {
["Left Shoulder"] = self.Motor6Ds["Left Shoulder"].C0,
["Right Shoulder"] = self.Motor6Ds["Right Shoulder"].C0,
["Left Hip"] = self.Motor6Ds["Left Hip"].C0,
["Right Hip"] = self.Motor6Ds["Right Hip"].C0,
["RootJoint"] = self.Motor6Ds["RootJoint"].C0
self.C1s = {
["Left Shoulder"] = self.Motor6Ds["Left Shoulder"].C1,
["Right Shoulder"] = self.Motor6Ds["Right Shoulder"].C1,
["Left Hip"] = self.Motor6Ds["Left Hip"].C1,
["Right Hip"] = self.Motor6Ds["Right Hip"].C1,
["RootJoint"] = self.Motor6Ds["RootJoint"].C1
self.Part0s = {
["Left Shoulder"] = self.Motor6Ds["Left Shoulder"].Part0,
["Right Shoulder"] = self.Motor6Ds["Right Shoulder"].Part0,
["Left Hip"] = self.Motor6Ds["Left Hip"].Part0,
["Right Hip"] = self.Motor6Ds["Right Hip"].Part0,
["RootJoint"] = self.Motor6Ds["RootJoint"].Part0
self.Part1s = {
["Left Shoulder"] = self.Motor6Ds["Left Shoulder"].Part1,
["Right Shoulder"] = self.Motor6Ds["Right Shoulder"].Part1,
["Left Hip"] = self.Motor6Ds["Left Hip"].Part1,
["Right Hip"] = self.Motor6Ds["Right Hip"].Part1,
["RootJoint"] = self.Motor6Ds["RootJoint"].Part1
self.LeftUpperArmLength = 1
self.LeftLowerArmLength = 1
self.RightUpperArmLength = 1
self.RightLowerArmLength = 1
self.LeftUpperLegLength = 1
self.LeftLowerLegLength = 1
self.RightUpperLegLength = 1
self.RightLowerLegLength = 1
self.TorsoIK = false
return setmetatable(self, R6IK)
function R6IK:ArmIK(Side : "Left" | "Right", Position)
if Side == "Left" then
local OriginCF = self.Torso.CFrame*self.C0s["Left Shoulder"]
local C1Off = self.C1s["Left Shoulder"]
local PlaneCF,ShoulderAngle,ElbowAngle, l3 = SolveArmIK(OriginCF, Position, self.LeftUpperArmLength, self.LeftLowerArmLength, C1Off, Side)
local ShoulderAngleCFrame, ElbowAngleCFrame = CFrame.Angles(ShoulderAngle, 0, 0), CFrame.Angles(ElbowAngle, 0, 0)
local ShoulderCF = PlaneCF * ShoulderAngleCFrame*,-self.LeftUpperArmLength * 0.5,0)
local ElbowCF = ShoulderCF*,-self.LeftUpperArmLength * 0.5,0)* ElbowAngleCFrame *, -self.LeftLowerArmLength*0.5, 0)*,(self.LeftArm.Size.Y-self.LeftLowerArmLength)*0.5,0)
self.Motor6Ds["Left Shoulder"].C1 = WorldCFrameToC1ObjectSpace(self.Motor6Ds["Left Shoulder"], ElbowCF)
elseif Side == "Right" then
local OriginCF = self.Torso.CFrame*self.C0s["Right Shoulder"]
local C1Off = self.C1s["Right Shoulder"]
local PlaneCF,ShoulderAngle,ElbowAngle, l3 = SolveArmIK(OriginCF, Position, self.RightUpperArmLength, self.RightLowerArmLength, C1Off, Side)
local ShoulderAngleCFrame, ElbowAngleCFrame = CFrame.Angles(ShoulderAngle, 0, 0), CFrame.Angles(ElbowAngle, 0, 0)
local ShoulderCF = PlaneCF * ShoulderAngleCFrame*,-self.RightUpperArmLength * 0.5,0)
local ElbowCF = ShoulderCF*,-self.RightUpperArmLength * 0.5,0)* ElbowAngleCFrame *, -self.RightLowerArmLength*0.5, 0)*,(self.RightArm.Size.Y-self.RightLowerArmLength)*0.5,0)
self.Motor6Ds["Right Shoulder"].C1 = WorldCFrameToC1ObjectSpace(self.Motor6Ds["Right Shoulder"], ElbowCF)
function R6IK:LegIK(Side : "Left" | "Right", Position)
if Side == "Left" then
local OriginCF = self.Torso.CFrame*self.C0s["Left Hip"]
local C1Off = self.C1s["Left Hip"]
local PlaneCF,ShoulderAngle,ElbowAngle, l3 = SolveLegIK(OriginCF*CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi/2, 0), Position, self.LeftUpperLegLength, self.LeftLowerLegLength, C1Off)
local HipAngleCFrame, KneeAngleCFrame = CFrame.Angles(ShoulderAngle, 0, 0), CFrame.Angles(ElbowAngle, 0, 0)
local HipCF = PlaneCF * HipAngleCFrame*,-self.LeftUpperLegLength * 0.5,0)
local KneeCF = HipCF*,-self.LeftUpperLegLength * 0.5,0)* KneeAngleCFrame *, -self.LeftLowerLegLength*0.5, 0)*,(self.LeftLeg.Size.Y-self.LeftLowerLegLength)*0.5,0)
self.Motor6Ds["Left Hip"].C0 = WorldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(self.Motor6Ds["Left Hip"], KneeCF)
elseif Side == "Right" then
local OriginCF = self.Torso.CFrame*self.C0s["Right Hip"]
local C1Off = self.C1s["Right Hip"]
local PlaneCF,ShoulderAngle,ElbowAngle, l3 = SolveLegIK(OriginCF*CFrame.Angles(0, -math.pi/2, 0), Position, self.RightUpperLegLength, self.RightLowerLegLength, C1Off)
local HipAngleCFrame, KneeAngleCFrame = CFrame.Angles(ShoulderAngle, 0, 0), CFrame.Angles(ElbowAngle, 0, 0)
local HipCF = PlaneCF * HipAngleCFrame*,-self.RightUpperLegLength * 0.5,0)
local KneeCF = HipCF*,-self.RightUpperLegLength * 0.5,0)* KneeAngleCFrame *, -self.RightLowerLegLength*0.5, 0)*,(self.RightLeg.Size.Y-self.RightLowerLegLength)*0.5,0)
self.Motor6Ds["Right Hip"].C0 = WorldCFrameToC0ObjectSpace(self.Motor6Ds["Right Hip"], KneeCF)
return R6IK
That’s literally all since the animation is played externally out of this (obviously)