R6 to R15 Adapter [Beta]: Enable R15 Tech in R6 Experiences

And people thought the document leak was fake. Who’s laughing now? Roblox. Because they’re the ones making this change.

I am going to go with the positives first:

  • I like how you are giving developers the ability to convert their games from R6 to R15, that’s very good and allows transitioning games over easier.
  • I like how you’re going to allow stuff like layered clothing to work with games that use this new adapter, that’s pretty cool.

Now, onto the bad:

The 98% statistic, while not false, isn’t exactly accurate either. It’s obviously also counting accounts that are inactive, of which a TON have been made since R15 was added and forced onto new accounts. I’d still say there are more R15 accounts, but it’s absolutely not a 98%. I’d wager it’s closer to like 70%.

The 40% more time statistic just makes no sense to include here. Body types have practically nothing to do with how long players stay in games, especially with the rise of certain games that give you completely custom body types completely removed from R6 and R15.

You mentioned nothing about if making games in the R6 style will remain just as easy to do as it is currently, you just mentioned how easy they’ll be to convert over. I would like to continue making R6-styled games, even after the original technology is deprecated and removed. Can I still animate and make games for the R6 style without the process being made harder via extra body parts?

What about older games that have been abandoned? When the technology is deprecated, what happens next? Will they be automatically converted, or will they be doomed to be completely ruined just like what happened to games during the FilteringEnabled fiasco?

That leads me to my biggest potential issue: this update can and probably even will break games that are unprepared for a change like this. If I am going to update my games from R6 to R15, I’d like the work I need done to be at the absolute bare minimum. If I need to do something significant like convert all the animations in my game individually, or update my game scripts to use R15 body part names, then I am just going to walk away from this platform.

I’ve been on the edge of moving to Godot since I found out about the huge leap in quality 4.0 made, and if R6 being deprecated hinders my workflow in any capacity or even breaks any of my games, then it’ll be the thing to make me switch over.

I really hope you know what you’re doing. Do not mess this up.


Pretty good bait u got there lol


Every time I see you on any post that mentions deprecating an old feature, you’re always calling for the most radical removal of the legacy feature without even providing much feedback on how to improve the new version of said feature so people end up disliking it less.

Sure, 98% of users use R15. I doubt the fact that 98% of users made the conscious choice to use R15. Old accounts were converted to it automatically (including my own), and then those same accounts were forcefully equipped with the Stevie Standard animated face (again, including my own, and my alternative accounts). You joined in 2007, so you would know that R6 was once the only option we had. Changing R15 to be the default instead of it being a choice, and then forcing all accounts, of which haven’t been logged into for decades, should make it obvious that the statistic is skewed in some way.

Or, it could be for a multitude of other reasons, such as an Experience’s stylistic choice, R6 being much easier to animate for certain developers, or just plain-old personal preference… you know, things that “New Roblox” aims to allow. Right now, this feature is in a beta phase and does not meet the community’s own standards for an R6 to R15 adapter, whether it be because their games are breaking entirely, or the feature generally just looks very off on most characters, and thus, rational or not, the community is giving it’s feedback.


If they listened to us at all we wouldn’t be in this position.


Why does this matter? Who cares? R6 is chosen specifically to avoid using all the natural-looking stuff, it isn’t meant to use all the new stuff the Metaverse chasing higher-ups at Roblox want. R6 is classic, and should remain classic. The fact you can’t modernize it is irrelevant. If people want to use R6 to intentionally not to incorporate all this crap Roblox is creating that nobody wants, they should be able to.


Don’t expect the tools to ever be functional. Just like the audio update and how we never got the sharing features or an easy way to grant permissions across all our groups. They will rush out some cheap ‘conversion’ thing and then just force the change and never look back. It’s evident by the fact that they posted this with their faceless Roblox account instead of an actual developer.
Just look at the other teams and how responsive they are with concerns like the Blender plugin thread or how responsive Bitdancer’s been with helping debug Byfron-related crashes. They don’t intend to ‘work’ with the community at all on this


I think this sums up how I’m feeling here all too well.

I don’t care if R6 is buggy, or if it doesn’t support new features. When I make a game and choose to force R6 I make the conscious decision to accept all the glitches and outdated tech that comes with it in order to make a game with the classic aesthetic. I personally have never noticed nor been bothered by any of the issues supposedly caused by R6 and so I only ever used R15 for games that needed realism.


After some short testing in studio, I can conclude the following;

  1. The avatar scale looks horribly bad. My character looks like a child because of an oversized hat, and my waist is smaller than my torso, which just looks bad.
  2. It doesn’t look like it should break most scripts, but I cannot say I scrutinized every single possibility.
  3. R15 Blocky =/= R6 Blocky. The different parts are still very noticeable and the very rough edges on arms and legs are distracting to me.

I’m truly disappointed that Roblox is attempting to sell it’s image of “the metaverse” at the detriment of it’s players. Can’t leave us alone, can they?


That looks so horrendous that I have to ask can you show it in a Video Format?


98% is a made up number as I see majority of ACTIVE players wears R6 in games that supports both R15 and R6 in my experience.

In my positive response though, thank you very much for giving us hope and being aware R6 is still used in games and still updating relating to the beloved rig of the 10s decade community.


Just noticed looking at this but the top of the legs also have the rounded R15 look:
They should be flat:
Minor nitpick but will definitely mess with some older pants-shirts combos lol.


Sure, let me set up a station so they’re properly aligned as well.


At this point I’m not surprised if they’re just intentionally ruining the “recreation” of R6 to make way for R15 and their terrifying realistic-looking body types


The scaling is really bad. It was already like this around a month ago, but I assumed they would fix it for the release. But apparently not.


They’re working on it, I actually provided them with some better scaling code. Ideally there should be no scaling logic kicking in when the avatar proportions are already fitted to classic avatars. It’s more for fitting rthro avatars to R6 proportions.


People who are doubting that 98% of users use R15 are disillusioned, if you actually went into a larger variety of roblox experinces you would see that almost everyone is R15. Its been 7 years since R15 was added to roblox its not a new feature. Please just stop spreading misinformed opinions like this.

We’re not disagreeing 98% of users’ avatars currently use R15, we’re noting this was never a willing change. Who knows how many of those accounts were and still are inactive today.
I’m amused by the sheer irony in this comment.


My R6 murder game doesn’t like this. Breaks spawning and animations.

emulated r6

real r6


The thing is that the 98% might actually be correct, but for the website. Which really doesnt matter since individual games can force R6 or R15. There are obviously still a lot of popular R6 games. Tower of hell for example, Flood Escape 2, Slap Battles, you name it.


This is a preview/test and not the final product, there are real people who worked on it. Please try to leave thoughtful criticism rather than assume malice and insult the people working hard on trying to make the Roblox Metaverse(Virtual World Platform) a better place for all of us.


Right, ofc. I’ve played a fair share of games that only allow R6 or even both it and R15 simultaneously.

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